It’s been six months.
There shouldn’t have been any injuries after six months. Not unless there was a break that didn’t heal properly or a wound that didn’t close as it should.
Maddie was staring at us wide-eyed.
I wasn’t sure if she was breathing.
Max and Milo looked like they were going to throw up.
I was glad that Max was holding her because I didn’t know what he would do if she confirmed it.
I suspected that there was physical abuse. She wouldn't have run away if it wasn’t something serious.
But how much abuse? Did he hit her once? Did he hit her twice? Did he do something else? Did he touch her? Did he…?
I couldn't even think about it. If he did I would…
I took a deep breath and focused on her.
“Maddie, baby, talk to us, please.” I said as I caressed her cheek.
Maddie gulped and shook her head a little.
“I don’t have any injuries.” she mumbled, staring at me wide-eyed.
She was lying.
I didn’t know how I knew, but I did.
She was lying to me.
“Look at me, Addie.” Ryan said, his voice trembling.
She moved her eyes from me to Ryan.
“I am a lawyer, Addie.” Ryan said as he kneeled down next to me. “I’ve worked with abuse victims before. I know the signs when I see them.”
Maddie tensed up.
“I know why they are reluctant to talk.” Ryan continued softly. “I know they are scared that no one will believe them. I know that they think it was their fault. I know that they think their loved ones would reject them after finding out the truth.”
A tear fell on Maddie’s cheek.
I was afraid to look at Max and Milo.
“Is that why you don’t want to talk, Addie?” Ryan asked her softly. “Because none of those reasons is true for us. We will believe you. We would never think that anything that happened to you was your fault, and we would never reject you because of anything that happened.”
Maddie sobbed, turned toward Milo, and buried her head in his neck.
Milo placed a hand on her head protectively.
“What did he do, Maddie?” Milo asked her softly.
Another small sob escaped her.
My heart wasn’t beating. It was still. It stopped fucking working.
“Everything.” Maddie mumbled, making all of us freeze.
What did that mean?
What the fuck did that mean?!
I watched as Max’s muscles clenched. I watched as Milo narrowed his eyes. I felt Ryan’s hand on my arm.
I wanted to ask her what everything meant, but I couldn't speak.
Did he…?
“What does everything mean, Addie?” Ryan managed to ask her.
His voice was quiet and raspy.
Maddie pressed herself closer to her brothers. She sobbed again.
Max and Milo were as still as statues.
“Addie, baby, what does everything mean?” Ryan asked, his voice breaking.
She didn’t respond. I could tell that she was crying. Her shoulders were shaking.
She wouldn’t be able to tell us. I had to help her.
“I am going to ask you questions, love.” I forced myself to speak. “Just give me a small nod if it’s true, okay?”
She was still for a second, but then I noticed her head moving up and down.
“Okay, baby.” I said as I took a deep breath. “Did he hit you, Maddie?”
She nodded.
Ryan’s hand on my arm tightened. Milo closed his eyes and tightened his jaw. Max didn’t move an inch. His arms were wrapped around her waist tightly.
“Did he ever use some items to hurt you?” I asked.
My voice was unrecognizable. I was already so fucking angry.
She nodded.
Ryan sobbed quietly and leaned his head on my shoulder.
“Did he use knives, bats, lighters, or cigarettes?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Yes to all?” I asked, my voice trembling.
She nodded again.
“Were there any other items he used to hurt you?” I asked.
She nodded.
I was going to kill him.
I was going to rip his insides out!
“Can you tell me what?” I asked, not expecting her to answer me.
I was surprised when she did.
“Glass, bottles, rope.” she mumbled quietly.
I saw fucking red.
I saw Milo’s jaw clench. Max still hadn’t moved an inch.
I had to ask her another question.
I didn’t want to. I so fucking didn’t want to. If she said yes…
But I had to know. I had to know so I could help her and kill him. I had to know.
I took a deep breath and grabbed Max’s hand.
“Maddie, baby, did he rape you?” I asked quietly.
Please no. Please no.
She was still. She didn’t nod, but she didn’t shake her head either.
Nobody moved. Nobody was even breathing. We were waiting for her to tell us that he didn’t do it. We were waiting for her to tell us that he didn’t touch her.
It was useless.
I saw her nod, and the whole world collapsed.
Milo screamed and buried his nose in her hair.
Ryan stood up, tangled his fingers into his hair, and started pulling on it.
Max closed his eyes and let his head fall down on his chest.
I couldn't move. I could only stand still and feel each and every piece of my heart break.
“Oh, my love.” Milo mumbled. “I am so sorry. I am so fucking sorry.”
He was shaking and sobbing.
“He will never touch you again.” Milo mumbled through his sobs. “I promise you, Madeline. No one will ever touch you again.”
I needed to get her to the hospital. I needed to examine her. I needed to get a gynecologist to look at her. I needed to…
My legs started shaking, and I fell on my knees.
I felt Ryan’s arms around me immediately.
He raped my baby. He hurt my baby.
I sobbed. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
“It’s okay, Sam.” Ryan mumbled. “She is safe now.”
I reached out and placed my hands on Maddie’s back. I wanted to pull her to me, but I knew that Max and Milo wouldn't let me.
“I love you, my baby.” I said as I broke out of Ryan’s arms and leaned closer to her. “I love you so much.”
I kissed the back of her head repeatedly.
“Do you have any injuries right now, Addie?” Ryan asked her softly.
She nodded, and my stomach twisted. What the fuck did he do to her?!
“My arm and my ribs didn’t heal properly.” she mumbled. “I have some cuts that didn’t heal.”
I clenched my jaw.
Max finally moved. He lifted his head and looked at Maddie.
He looked murderous.
He pulled Maddie from Milo. He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes.
“Listen to me, Maddie.” he said, his voice cold and unrecognizable. “No one will ever hurt you. No one will ever touch you. As long as I am alive, nothing bad will ever happen to you. I will make sure that they pay for what they’ve done to you.”
Maddie placed her hands over his.
“I don’t need you to make them pay, Max.” she mumbled. “I just need you to be with me.”
Tears fell on Max’s cheeks.
“Always, Maddie.” he said as he broke down. “Fucking always.”
Ryan and I pulled the three of them into a tight hug.
She was safe. Max and Milo were safe.
I would protect them. I would make sure that they were safe and happy.
They were my kids. They were my family.
Nothing and no one would take them from me ever again.

General FictionMadeline Reed didn't have an easy life. She was found abandoned on the side of the road when she was only four years old. She doesn't remember who left her there. She doesn't remember why. She just knows that whoever left her there, left her to die...