Chapter 3 - Forever Forest

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Dooku was in his room relaxing on his chair. He then felt a buzz in his pocket, his image caster. He pressed the glowing button and a holographic image emerged.

 He pressed the glowing button and a holographic image emerged

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"General Grievous. How are things on Serreno?" Dooku asked.

General Grievous was the supreme commander of the military arm of the Confederacy and was instructed by Dooku to report every week. He was a cyborg, rescued by Dooku a few years ago and restored by the Techno Union. He was a monstrous warrior, but his loyalty to Dooku was unmatched.

"Everything is proceeding as planned Count. Profits are up, costs are down, people are happy and our influence spreads across the whole of Remnant." Greivous reported before couching. His lungs were serverly damaged when Dooku recovered him.

"Good. Good. Everything is going as planned, keep up the good work." Dooku said.

"But of course Count, I will not fail." Greivous replied.

"I do hope not General, for your sake." Dooku said. Greivous required just a nudge or two once in a while to remind him of the importance of his role.

Greivous bowed before the blue hologram faded away. Dooku returned the image caster to his pocket. He continued to relax, it was a free lesson for him since he wasn't teaching all of the time. He then heard the door open.

"Professor, Mrs Goodwich asked me to bring you to the dueling ring." Said a young Ruby Rose.

"But isn't she teaching?" Dooku asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, but she wanted me to bring you anyway." Ruby said.

"Very well, you can't refuse lady of the likes of Miss Goodwich can you?" Dooku said while putting on his cape and following Ruby out.

Dooku entered the arena with Ruby Rose ewhom resumed her place with her team. Professor Port had informed him that Weiss and Ruby are now closer as teammates. Not as close as Dooku and Glynda were though and still are now that Dooku thought about it. He observed the contestants in the ring, Mr Arc and Caridng Winchester. Now Dooku wouldn't normally use such language but he recognised Jaune was having his ass handed to him. Jaune kept rushing at Carding with heavy blows while Cardin parried them and struck back. A truly pathetic attempt. Then as Cardin had Jaune on the ground and was about to strike a killing blow Glynda intervened.

"Thats enough." She said. "Students as you can see Mr Arcs aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match. Mr Arc its been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat." Yes it had, 4 grueling long weeks of putting up with the lacking ability of Jaune Arc. "Gaging your aura may help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to move to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a beowolf, now would we?"

Dooku observed Carding muttering something, probably something derogative. Glynda then reminded everyone about the Vytal Festival Tournament and that the students should keep practicing. Then the bell rung and Glynda came off the platform.

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