Chapter 2

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FOR THE PAST 3 weeks. Sakura had been training with Gai and Lee and she has seen much improvement. They had given her some leg and wrist weights, they weren't as heavy as Lee's of course, but to her, they were quite heavy.

She covered them with red arm and leg warmers, when her team asked, she told them it was chilly. They didn't question it after that.

Sakura has gained a bit of muscle, but not too much. She sat in her room, going over the Body Flicker Jutsu before deciding to try it.

She grabbed everything she needed an the information on the body flicker before exiting the room, she ran downstairs and threw on her shinobi sandals and racing out the house — not without a goodbye to her parents.

She made it to the training grounds, and slowly placed down her stuff and picked up the jutsu book, flickering through the pages until she got to the Body Flicker page.

This ninjutsu is an high-speed movement technique that makes the ninja move faster than the naked eye can see. As a D-rank, it is typically one of the first techniques a genin will learn after graduating. It supercharges their entire body with chakra to allow them to surpass their top running speed for as long as the techniques is active. The amount of chakra used up depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. It is usually used to escape from battle or start a battle with a sudden attack.

How come Kakashi didn't teach them the body flicker..? That lazy bastard needs to sort out his priorities. Sakura frowned at her thoughts before continuing to read.

It is like an extreme type of chakra enhancement, but what makes it a ninjutsu rather than just chakra control is that the technique is a burst of pure speed which essentially pulls the caster from one point to another. They are not consciously running between the locations, the technique is using their body as a vehicle to move them from one to the other.

It made sense to Sakura, doing this technique can have its flaws. She continued reading, drinking up all the information she needed.

It is for this reason that someone could start at a standstill and stop at a standstill in a completely different position from what they started in without apparent effort, or even initiate the technique while in mid-air when they would have no surface to run over. Because of that, even ninja who aren't predisposed towards fast movement can and do make frequent use of this ninjutsu.

She can see why Shisui made use of this technique so well.

A secondary feature of the technique is that the ninja will often disguise their movement with distractions such as falling leaves or flames. In that moment, the enemy loses sight of the ninja so that they cannot detect which direction they escaped from. Different hidden villages are known to have their own variations.

Hm. Leaves? Maybe she could incorporate her own sort of plant or flower into it. Maybe Cherry Blossoms..? She hummed.

But despite its many uses, it is not without flaws.

The level of speed the technique reaches means that it can blind the ninja to their surroundings when they move as their minds cannot keep up with their enhanced body. It would take incredible reflexes and/or a good set of eyes to frequently use this in combat. Using it for too long or too often can cause a painful strain on the body which is being forced to move beyond its normal limits. And as a ninjutsu it usually uses hand-seals, even if it's just the seal of confrontation, so a lower level opponent could potentially predict and counter it if used to set up an attack in battle.

Ah, so Sakura would have to be very careful using this. Their mind cannot keep up with their own movements. So she would have to train her reflexes and maybe enhance her vision while using this Jutsu.

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