Chapter 3

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SAKURA PANTED AS SHE finished her set of push ups, Lee next to her grinning while he does his — how can he smile?! She's dying over here! — Gai clapped his hands as they both stood up.

"Great job you two." Gai said, giving them both a thumbs up which made Sakura smile. She quickly checked the time and widened her eyes. "I-I've got to go! I got some missions with my team today." Sakura said and Gai smiled in understanding. "Alright. See you later Sakura." He said and Lee threw an arm around her shoulder.

"Work hard my youthful cherry blossom!" Lee said and Sakura smiled, taking Lee's arm off from around her shoulder. "I sure will! Now, I need a shower. See ya!" She said, before disappearing in a flicker, landing in her room.

She grinned — she's been getting better at that. She felt satisfaction every time. Sure, she's no where near the same speed as Shisui, but she's a good enough speed to beat the average High-Chunin. Sakura quickly grabbed a spare qipao dress and folded it on her bed, as well as undergarments.

She took off her arm and leg weights before practically leaping through the bathroom door.

She started to shower and rinse away any grime and dirt — ugh! — before cleaning her hair and getting out of the shower, drying herself off before placing the towel around her body and entering her room again, grabbing her clothes and getting changed.

She grabbed her weapons pouch and strapped it to her upper thigh, grabbing her weights and putting them on before reaching over to her bedside table, grabbing her hitai-ate and throwing herself out of her bedroom door, running downstairs and grabbing an apple and speeding out the door with a "bye mom, bye dad!" before shutting the door.

She decided to save her chakra and just jog to the training grounds. She eats her apple before throwing the core into the bin — perfect shot! — and putting on her hitai-ate.

She arrived at the training grounds, seeing Naruto and Sasuke already there. "Morning!" She greeted them. "Hn." Sasuke grunted, shoving his hands in his pockets. — So cool! — "Good Morning, Sakura-chan!" Naruto grinned cheekily, his arms behind his head as he greeted his teammate.

They waited about 3 hours until Kakashi finally arrived. "You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted, annoyed while pointing at Kakashi — who had the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry I'm late, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long road—" He was cut off by an angry Sakura and Naruto. "LIAR!" They shouted, making Kakashi sweatdrop.

"Alright, today you are going to help old man Saburo paint his fence." Kakashi said, sending them an eye smile as they all let out collective groans in annoyance. "Let's go get our mission from the office." He said, appearing behind his genin and pushing them forward, making them grunt and exchange annoyed looks.

They arrived at the missionary office and opened the door, seeing Iruka there — holding a scroll with a serious look on his face. "Here you go, Kakashi." Iruka said, giving him a slight glare. Kakashi smirked beneath his mask. "Thanks." He replied before ushering his genin out of the office.

They arrived at old man Saburo's. Kakashi knocked on the door as his genin stood behind him, whispering insults at his back with annoyance, making Kakashi's eyebrow twitch and turn his head, giving them a glare which made them freeze. Kakashi looked satisfied before turning to the door as it opened. "We've come due to your mission request."


The rest of the day was just continuous missions — CHORES! — Team 7 minus Kakashi looked annoyed and tired. "Alright, dismissed." Kakashi said, giving them an eye smile before disappearing in a puff of smoke — She was annoyed he didn't teach them Body Flicker first! — Sakura said her goodbyes before leaving.

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