Chapter 4

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FOR THE NEXT MONTH and a half. Sakura has been practicing sealing with Naruto — who got really excited about the prospect of learning something not only his father knew, but his mother and clan. Surprisingly, Naruto got the hang of if quickly. As did Sakura.

Naruto flinched as an explosion rung out in the training grounds. "Sakura-chan's crazy.." he shivered as Sakura's laugh rung out in the training grounds. Naruto was working on a seal until he heard an explosion. He had managed to reach level two, but Sakura was on level 3 — half way through.

Naruto wasn't advanced in writing or reading, he knew that. So he knew it would take longer for him to learn. But he was determined. Sakura had him practicing his handwriting so he would mess up a seal and potentially kill himself.

Another explosion rung out and Naruto sweatdropped. When they were researching seals, Sakura had been drawn to.. well.. the explosion seals. Except... because Sakura had such a wide imagination — her pyromaniac tendencies started to show.

"WOOHOO!" Sakura cheered as she used a minor explosion seal, exploding over forty trees in the training grounds. "Sakura-chan! Maybe you shouldn't cause deforestation!" Naruto shouted from his spot, a bit scared.

Sakura huffed and walked back over to Naruto, plopping herself on the ground. "It's fun.." she mumbled. Naruto shivered at that but continued layering his seal until it was complete.

It was a simple barrier seal for his apartment. When Naruto told Sakura about the people who would try to break in and steal stuff — wrecking his home. He had to restrain her from killing the land owner.

Sakura would have offered Naruto to live with her, but she knew her parents didn't like Naruto. She would get the warnings to stay away from the 'demon child' she found it pathetic that her 'role models' could stoop so low and spit on a child like he's the dirt they walk on.

They would come here, three days a week to work on seals. Only at night time. It would cause some trouble if they saw a civilian girl and the Kyuubi Jinchuriki blowing up the training grounds while working on something not even some Chunin and Jounin could do.


"Alright, we have been assigned to chase away some wolves from training ground 32." Kakashi said, giving his genin and eye smile. They exchanged annoyed looks before following after him. "Why is there even wolves in the training grounds?" Sakura asked.

"It seemed they escaped the forest of death." Kakashi said, a sadistic glint in his eye. "Doesn't the forest of death have like, a bunch of giant mutated dangerous animals?!" Sakura shrieked, eyes wide.

"You are correct.! These wolves are a cross between a eagle and wolf. A hybrid." Kakashi replied, turning his head and smirking. "This is suicide." Sakura said, making her teammates nod in agreement. "You'll be fine!" Kakashi waved them off.

They walk into the training grounds, seeing it swarmed with at least 10 of these wolves. They were at least 10 ft tall.. "I'm out." Naruto said, turning around. Kakashi grabbed the back of his jacket, dragging him back. "No, you're not." Kakashi said, before poofing away, appearing in a nearby tree, reading his orange book.

"Alright.. let's do this." Sakura said, before unsheathing a Kunai and charging. She jumps at one, swiping at it. It growled and dodged, baring it's teeth at her. Naruto and Sasuke join her and they fight back to back.

This continued for the next 4 hours, and more kept coming. The longer they took, the angrier Sakura got. She growled before snapping her head to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Take cover." She ordered, confusing them before Naruto's eyes widen in realisation. He grabbed Sasuke before placing a seal on the ground, a purple barrier surrounded them. "What the hell? How did you do that dobe!?" Sasuke asked, shocked.

"I'll tell you later teme! Just get down!" Naruto shouted, ducking down. "Huh?" Sasuke asked. He was cut off as he watched Sakura slam her hand on the ground, a sealing matrix appeared.




"Care to tell me why training grounds 32 is destroyed?" The Third Hokage asked, looking at Team 7. Kakashi barely managed to escape Sakura's explosion. His hair was singed slightly. They all turned their gaze to Sakura who blushed and looked away sheepishly.

"Sorry." She muttered, avoiding eye contact with everyone — so embarrassing! — as the Hokage narrows his eyes. "You are all banned from D - Ranks till further notice." The Hokage said and Team 7 minus Kakashi shrieked in shock.

"What? Then what do we do?!" Naruto shouted, annoyed. "You will be doing abnormal d-ranks. Even Elite Jounin wouldn't do these missions." The Hokage smirked. Team 7 groaned in annoyance. D-Rank missions were annoying enough. But Abnormal D-Ranks? "Kill me now." Sakura muttered. "Dismissed." The Hokage said, waving them off.


The next month was hell on Earth for them. Their missions consisted of helping Anko in T&I, cleaning Anbu Headquarters — Naruto broke an anbu mask and they decided they needed some moving targets and a bunch of other insanely dangerous or scary missions.

Sakura was one tick away from blowing up Konoha. Sasuke and Naruto have been bickering for ages and Sakura has to be some sort of middle man during their missions.

She grew an irk mark as Naruto and Sasuke shout at eachother, basically right next to her. Now, as amazing as Sasuke-kun was. He was being so annoying right now — as well as that dunce Naruto.

"SHUT UP!" She roared, punching both of their heads, maybe punching Sasuke lighter than Naruto but only she had to know that. She smirked in sick satisfaction as Naruto and Sasuke groan, rubbing their heads.

Kakashi sighed from behind them as they walk into the missions office. The Hokage raising an eyebrow at them. "We would like another mission." Kakashi said, giving the Hokage an eye smile.

"Alright.. you guys can help Anko in T&I again." The Hokage said, grabbing a scroll. "NOOO!" Naruto's outraged shout made Sakura jump, swivelling her head to face him incredulously. "Pipe down!" She scolded, hitting his head. "Please, give is a different mission." Naruto whined. "We'll take an E-Rank if necessary." Sasuke grumbled.

"Fine. I'll assign you to a C-Rank mission." The Hokage said after Kakashi gave him a nod of confirmation. "Judging by our luck, I bet it won't be a Princess or anything-ttebayo.." Naruto pouted. Sakura nodded in agreement, her eyebrow twitching.

She was tired, she just hoped this mission wouldn't be annoying. She had a bad feeling about this mission, and with their luck. Her gut feeling was probably right.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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