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Dragons are powerful supernatural beings, considered the strongest aside from the Gods themselves, admired, respected, and feared no matter the era. Among the supernatural, Dragons, as an entire race, didn't side with no one from the Three Factions during the Great War, different from Fairies, Spirits, European Monsters, Asian Monsters, and Humans.However, in the end, some Dragons did end up joining the Three Factions, among the Underworld, consisting of Devils and Fallen Angels. In certain cultures and different parts of the world, Dragons are worshiped as Gods.
Even among these powerful creature,there are a group of Dragon feared by all even more than the others. The Evil Dragons (邪龍, Jaryū) are a group of dragons who are known for their particular vicious temperament, as the most vicious and brutal among all Dragons. Most of them are dangerous battle maniacs who want to destroy everything including themselves, causing them to be referred to as "Broken Dragons". Even the Heavenly Dragons, who surpassed the strongest three Evil Dragons in the past, would rather not get involved them. As such, in the past, evil and malevolent Gods were among the few beings who are able to control Evil Dragons.
This story is of a young man wielding the power of one of these same Evil Dragon's. It's the story of a young man who left a mark on the supernatural world.

In Saudi Arabia

-Sho's Pov

Reincarnation is a fickle thing.

You could be reborn as a wealthy human,sick human,a tree,a ant,a dog,any living thing honestly.

Anime's often depicted people are nearly always reincarnated as some sort of humanoid.Occasionally as monsters. But both type have one thing in common, they are nearly always reincarnated with stupidly OP power's of not power that can be useful in that world and becomes OP down the line.

As for me i got reincarnated as a human with no power's. It would have been ok if was reborn in a normal world,but i guess i have Emiya's luck. I was born in DxD without any Power's!! Except my knowledge of the future from the anime up to season 4 and some extra knowledge from wiki.

But I guess i lucked out on the fact that i got a loving family which loves me to no end,as i was their only child, which was a dream come true for a former orphan who lived alone in his previous life.

'Maybe I could just live a normal life away from supernatural world. Luckily I don't possess any kind of special power that I know of ' I thought as the 7 year old me,my family and our tour guide neared our destination Wadi Najran.

As we were traversing the valley as a trip. We suddenly heard a explosion,when we looked towards the source of the sound and tremors. Just then,our guide shouted in alarm ,we turned only to turn pale as we saw one thing that is most terrifying to all mountain climbers and travelers. A Land Slide.

"LAND SLIDE" the roar went out as all of us scrambled to find cover and secure ourselves. As I scrambled to steady myself, the ledge on which I was standing began to wobble, and in pure terror I began to race ahead and jump on to the neighboring ledge, when with a rumble the ledge broke apart and collapsed on my family and I fell along with it down the cliff-side.

I was so shocked and wanted to cry,scream my heart out but had no idea what was happening. I remember slipping, then I tumbled for what felt like forever, hitting minor edges on the cliffsides along the way. I felt helpless and out of control, like being in a dream. When would I stop falling? All I remember thinking was that the view from the cliff had felt so pretty a couple of minutes ago; how could it have switched so quickly to this?

Halfway down the cliff, the light went out and all I could see was darkness as I was left falling through the air. Before I knew it, the cliff slope became even steeper and I fell farther. A little later I must have hit a rock and blacked out.

I felt being enveloped by that light and could barely make out some words.

"You are not the best that I had hoped for, but you are not the worst either. You will do," and just as I lost consciousness, I thought I saw an 3 shadowy things nearing me and was enveloped in a light.

When I came to, I found myself on a somewhat soft bed, with a chirping sounds in the background. As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself in what could be described as a shrine.But i was too preoccupied with what had already happened.What was the cause of the explosion?Was that what triggered the land slide?then what caused the explosion? As these thought were plaguing my mind. I heard a deep voice that could only be described as inhumane followed by 2 more voices similar to it say

"So,You Have Awoken Child Of Man??"
"Look He Has Woken Up"
"See He Has Arisen"

Just as I looked towards the source of the sounds. I saw something that terrified me. I saw a giant Dragon with three heads and six giant wings. It had very dark scales with a shade of purple

The last thing I remember was shrieking like a little girl who accidentally watched a gruesome scene on a horror movie before sinking into a dead faint.

Several months later

I found out that the three headed dragons name Aži Dahāka. It was him that saved me from that accursed accident that took everything thing from me. I also found out that the explosion was not natural. Well that much was obvious,what I didn't expect that the explosion was created by members of the Old Satan Faction. Since then i have been training myself to death so i could become stronger. I now knew staying away from the Supernatural World was impossible,humans will always be the casualty in the game of the supernatural and i am one of those humans. I now know how a faction like Hero faction will be formed though their motives change along the way from protecting humans to testing humanities limit it didn't help Indra was pulling the strings to create an army to fight Shiva. But all that didn't matter to me all I cared about was growing strong for now,as i had the perfect teacher for me to get strong.

Aži Dahāka was a dragon created by Angra Mainyu and fought against the army of the Gods of the Zoroastrianism. He then fought and was defeated by the hero, Θraētaona, and was later sealed. That to was due to the fact they couldn't beat him and now I have someone like him training me who has millenniums of  fighting experience with him. In hand-to-hand combat,magic,art of weapons,curses,even history of the world,etc.He taught me about various religion's,culture and languages.

He also helped me get over the loss of my parents/family though there was still some lingering sense of loss which i couldn't get over,but Apophis was always there for me or so I thought. Despite being an Evil Dragon, his actions during raising me contradicted that title.

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