Boarding The Hogwarts Express

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After the shocking revelation that I can't go home, I decided to go to Hogwarts and start my first year again , with Professor Dumbledore's permission of course. I couldn't be any happier when he agreed.

After calming down , I quickly got ready and went with Dumbledore to diagonally, he had some work at Flourish and Blotts so he left at Florence Fortescue Ice cream parlour. Over there I met Mr. Fortescue's daughter Alice . She is a very kind and bubbly girl and I don't know why but reminds me of Neville . They both have the same face structure and she's as forgetful as him. She might be a distant cousin of his.

We both talked about a lot of things , kind of like how Hermione and I used to. 

 A few weeks before September 1st , I went to diagonally to collect my  school supplies , Dumbledore felt a bit nervous leaving me all by myself but I reassured him.

Finally the day came , I'll be going to Hogwarts , I'll be seeing my parents, the thought of it made me a bit nervous , will they even like me ?

I reached the Kings cross station at 10:20 , and as I was making my way to the barrier I noticed that nothing much changed . I soon found barrier 9 and 10 , and took a deep breath " you can do this Faye " I said to myself and ran through the barrier.

Right in front of me was the shining, Scarlett train, with " HOGWARTS EXPRESS " written on it , I was excited.

I soon found an empty compartment and tried putting my luggage up but it turns out my luggage was heavier than me , it kept falling on my foot " ugh " and finally after a lot of struggle I was finally able to put my luggage up, as I sat on my seat by the window , something or rather someone caught my attention.

A young boy with black messy hair and round glasses was pushing his trolley with an older couple behind him. My stomach did a summersault, " daddy" I whispered with tears in my eyes.

" Now James I don't want you getting into any kind of mischief while you're out there " said his mother sternly but anyone could see the fondness in her eyes. " Can't promise that " said Dad.

She just shook her head and said " have fun and keep writing to us " she said and engulfed dad in a bone crushing hug. " I'm choking " he said . The man beside her who I assumed was his dad and my grandfather laughed and said that " Euphemia let the boy go now , he's clearly excited " . Finally she let him go and let his dad hug him , while she wiped the tears off her face.

Dad waved to his parents and climbed into the train

 I smiled at this , when suddenly a shout distracted me away from my thoughts , there stood a girl with long red hair and beautiful green eyes , I felt my stomach do another summersault " mummy " I whispered, how I wished to go and hug her right now. She was standing face to face with a tall girl with blonde hair who currently had a frown on her face , " Aunt Petunia " I whispered.

Aunt Petunia walked away from mom , mom tried not to look hurt at this , she faked a smile on her face and turned to her parents, or in my case my maternal grandparents, each taking turns to hug mom , grandpa held mom a bit longer. Then she waved to them and climbed on the train , with a tall boy who had greasy black hair and hooked nose , I immediately identified him as Professor Snape.

I looked at other families at the platform, I spotted Alice with her parents , and then my eyes fell on a family standing at the corner of the platform, there stood 2 boys with , both had curly black hair and striking grey eyes , one boy was tall , while the other was short and chubby . 

The boy reluctantly hugged his mother , while his dad patted him on the back . The short boy literally threw himself into the tall boys arms , I could see he was trying not to cry .Soon they bid him goodbye and apparated  away with the younger boy .

He turned around and I immediately turned my face away from the window.

Third person POV :

Soon the train took off from the platform and Faye took out her sketchbook and started  drawing a sketch of Hogwarts. A few minutes later , the compartments door slid open , and in came Alice , They both hugged each other and immediately started talking about Hogwarts.

Soon a prefect came and informed them that they better go and change as they were approaching Hogwarts. We soon went into the girls restrooms and changed into our school robes.

Soon the train came to a stop ......

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