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Third Person POV :

Soon it was time for the winter break , Faye was sitting at the Gryffindor table reading " the tales of beedle the bard " , when Alice walked up to her " are you sure you're okay being alone , you know you can come home with me , my parents already like you " . Faye smiled at her concern and gave her a hug , " no it's okay , Allie , I'm absolutely fine here , you go and enjoy your break " Faye said . Alice sighed and nodded her head , giving her one last hug before leaving .

She suddenly heard a cough from behind her and she turned around to find herself face to face with Sirius , " Oh , Hi Sirius " she said 

" Hi , uh actually before leaving I wanted to give you this " he said taking out a small box wrapped in pink paper . Faye looked at him curiously and started unwrapping the box and inside that she found a ruby open pendant , she opened it and saw two moving pictures in it , one was a picture of her , Alice and Marlene standing together with their arms wrapped around their shoulders , Faye was standing in the middle with Alice on her right and Marlene on her left , all three of them smiling widely , the other picture was of her , James and Sirius , Faye stood in the middle , James stood on her left with his arm wrapped around her shoulder and Sirius stood on the right with his arm wrapped around her waist and kissed her cheek , making her blush hard and James laughing .

Faye teared up at this and hugged him , " Thank you , this means a lot ! " she said hugging him tightly . He laughed at this and returned the hug , " Okay I've got to go now but I'll see you after the break , till then don't forget my beautiful face " he said , making Faye chuckle through her tears , he smiled at this and kissed her on the forehead " bye " he said.


On Christmas , Faye woke up late not expecting any presents but to her surprise there was a heap of it present on her bed . " I've got presents " she whispered unbelievably 

She quickly started unwrapping them , the first one was from James and his family , it contained a box of homemade chocolate cookies and a stuffed Bambi toy , along with a book on classic magical fairytales. 

The other one was from Alice , who gave her an entire album of her favourite band big star 

Next one was from Remus who gave her a book on defence against the dark arts , Peter gifted her an entire box of Bertie botts every flavoured beans . 

Lily gifted her a silver tinker bell bracelet

Marlene gifted her some pranking material along with an angel wing hair clip

She felt so happy

After dinner , she decided to go on a stroll and while walking she found a door standing ajar when she went towards it and peaked inside, she had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, because  right before her stood the mirror of Erised and when she looked into it she saw herself and her friends together , happy and safe , her parents were also there smiling proudly at her , her father was holding a baby which she knew was her , but soon she also noticed something else , there she saw Sirius standing right beside her , wrapping an arm around her staring at her lovingly , they were looking older , she was also holding a baby in her arms who looked like a mini Sirius but with her eyes , the baby's hair turned yellow.

" Oh my god ! " she whispered but instantly remembered the warning Dumbledore had given her about the mirror , no she couldn't fall into this trap again. So , with a heavy heart she turned and walked away from it.

That night she went to bed early and at that moment she felt tears streaming down her face but she also made a promise to herself that she won't let Voldemort win this time .

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