She's Beautiful

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Third Person POV :

When Feye laughed at Alice's joke , this caught Sirius attention.  He smiled when he looked at her.


She is beautiful, she had fiery red hair and bright hazel eyes. She had a cute laugh , her smile was cute too. I have fallen in love with her. Suddenly,  I felt  someone slap me on the back of my head , it was James, my partner in crime, " mate what are you staring at?" He asked , " nothing" I said .
When we were on the boats , I couldn't help but glance at her from time to time, one time our gazes met and I couldn't help but get lost in them , she raised an eyebrow at me.
When we reached the entrance of the great hall, we met professor Mcgonagall or Minnie as James and I decided to call her . She looked like the kind of woman to not mess up with , which made the prospect of teasing her even more fun.
James slapped my shoulder and said " this makes it even more exciting!" He said, " you're right mate , you guys wanna join in ?" I asked Remus and Peter , they both nodded . Lily who was standing beside us with Snivellus, rolled her eyes at us . " Boys isn't she beautiful?" Asked James, who looked entranced. I smiled at him . Suddenly the doors opened and we entered the great hall , James and I were walking behind Alice and the beautiful girl , when we heard Alice asking " Is this real ? " " I don't know but we can check it out ? " replied the pretty girl . It was that moment, when I totally fell for her , I'm going to marry her one day I know it .

James and I shared a mischievous smile 

The sorting started and the first one to go was Ryan Abbot , he was sorted to Hufflepuff , next it was me , so I walked up to the chair and winked at the beautiful girl , who again raised an eyebrow.

" GRYFFINDOR " , the hat yelled

I walked up to the Gryffindor table confidently , Narcissa my second favourite cousin gave me an encouraging smile and I smiled back , but shivers ran down my spine when I realised how mother would react , father will be a bit disappointed but he'll accept it and Reggie will support me nonetheless.

Soon Lily's name was called out and she was sorted into Gryffindor too , she came and sat beside me but completely ignored me

I was beyond excited when my partner in crime James was sorted into Gryffindor too , I heard Evans groan beside me.

And next the name Faye Potter was called out , and I saw the  beautiful girl coming forward and sitting on the chair , James was beyond shocked 

It took exactly 6 minutes , when the hat yelled " GRYFFINDOR ", my happiness had no bounds

She ran up to the Gryffindor table and hugged Alice , I wanted to introduce myself to her so I smoothened my hair and gently pat her on the shoulder, she turned around and I took her hand and said " hello m'lady " , kissing it. I really hoped it worked , she said " uh hello " , but before I could say anything else , James the idiot pushed me aside and started talking to her.

Soon enough our classes started and everything is going fine , and my attempts to gain Faye's attention was going good too , I started calling her sweetheart, since the nickname suites her.

One fine afternoon as James , Remus , Peter and I were heading for charms , we spotted Lily and Snivellus and the moment he saw us he sneered at us , this made James furious and he ended up hexing his nose , his face was worth it.

On our way to the Gryffindor tower , we overheard Professor Vector speaking to Minnie and Flitwick " I was absolutely shocked those three girls rode the broomsticks till the ceiling to check wether they're real or not , it's fortunate those three didn't get hurt " said Prof. Vector.

We heard Minnie groan and ask " who were those three girls ? "

" Faye Potter , Alice Fortescue and Marlene McKinnon " said Prof. Vector 

We were shocked and impressed 

Prof. Flitwick chuckled and said " well , I must admire the girls enthusiasm and curiosity "

We went to the Gryffindor tower  and I immediately started searching for my sweetheart 

Ah , there she is


One fine weekend when the boys and I were planning our end of the term prank , we overheard some whispers coming from an empty classroom . When the boys and I peeped inside we saw Faye , Alice and Marls , " Okay so when I perform the rainfall charm , Marls you will ? " " Create the snowfall charm " " Good and Allie ? " " After the snow charm I'll perform the colouring charm " the girls shared a mischievous smile .

The boys and I left the classroom, " those girls are awesome! " exclaimed Pete " yeah , I can't wait to see their prank " said Reemy. " Of course she'll do the best prank , she's my cousin after all " said James proudly , we just laughed

We saw the quickly tip - toeing their way behind the gates of the great hall , Faye performed the rainfall charm and the rain started , Marlene quickly performed the snow charm , which converted them into snow , and Alice performed the colouring charm , making the snow's coo from white to the colours of the rainbow .

The entire great hall cheered and in between this the girls sneaked into the great hall , trying to look as shocked . When everything calmed down , we looked into the direction of the trio , more specifically I was looking at my sweetheart. The girls looked at the direction of the teachers table and their eyes widened , and they began discussing among themselves , Faye looked up and I smirked at her , her eyes widened as she realised we knew , she told the other two and they turn to look at us.

Next thing we know the girls were telling us not to say a word about this, and we agreed only after the three helped us in our next prank and my sweetheart going on a date with me , on which she said " no " , but no worries I have plenty of opportunities to get her to go out with me.


Before going I wanted to give Faye her Christmas present, I decided to buy her a ruby open pendant , in which I had kept her favourite pictures, I hope she likes it .


My sweetheart was going to tutor Pete in Transfiguration, I was happy but at the same time I felt jealous that I couldn't spend more time with her . Suddenly I came up with an excuse that Minnie told me to concentrate on theory , like this I'll get to spend time with her.


Faye has promised that she'll write to me " yes ! "

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