Exams , exams and exams !

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Third Person POV :

" Ugh ! why did they even invent exams ? " exclaimed Sirius dramatically , making Remus roll his eyes

" I know this is boring but look at the brighter side , our exams will be over on Wednesday, and correct me if I'm wrong we have transfiguration that day and you guys are pro's in it " said Alice

" They are but I'm not " said Peter grudgingly 

Faye raised her eyebrows at this , It looked like Peter was loosing confidence on himself due to being  under the shadows of James , Sirius and Remus , so , she decided to change that.

She got up and sat beside Peter , wrapping an arm around his shoulder and said " don't worry Petey , if you want I'll help you in Transfiguration, you know the theory well , so we just have to work on the practical part of it " . Peter looked up and hugged Faye , thanking her.

" Oh and one more thing in return you have to help me in history of magic " Faye said with a smile , Peter's eyes widened not expecting someone to ask him for help in a subject but he nodded nonetheless.

Sirius gasped dramatically and said " you know sweetheart  I just remembered Minnie told me that I'll be needing help in the theory part , so I guess I'll be joining you guys too "

Faye sighed and said " for the last time Sirius , I'm not your sweetheart "

This made everyone laugh

Soon Wednesday approached and their exams were officially over , Faye and Alice decided to go and sit beside the lake after their exam was over.

On their way , they saw the Prewett twins talking with Peeves , peeves looked at the duo and bowed to them, making the girls giggle and the twins to look confused.

As they were nearing the lake , Alice gasped and said " Oh my god Fee look at this " , she was pointing to a tunnel at the old white oak tree , this got the curiosity of both the girls .

" Shall we go down and see where this leads to ? " asked Faye

Alice immediately nodded and both the girls slid down the whole and landed with a huge thud on the floor .

" Ouch ! Allie are you okay ? " Faye asked

" Yeah don't worry I'm fine , I think whoever is down here has casted the muffiliato charm " said Alice 

Faye nodded in agreement and suddenly her eyes fell on the stairs that led downstairs

" Hey Allie come check this out " whispered Faye

The duo quietly descended the stairs and to their great surprise they found a young boy , who they identified as Jacob Scamander , who was in their year and a Hufflepuff.

He looked up in shock

" Um hi Allie , hi Fee , what are you both doing here ? " he asked slightly turning red

" Jacob is that a bowtruckle ? " asked Faye and Alice at the same time

This made Jacob look up at them in amusement

" You both are interested in magical creatures too ? " he asked 

The duo nodded , making him smile even more widely

The three sat together and talked for a long time about different creatures, but soon it was time for them to go back , so the three came into the castle together , bidding each other bye , when they reached the great hall "

As soon as the girls entered the room , they came face to face with the marauders and Marlene , who waved at them . They waved back and sat down with them.


Soon the year came to an end , Ravenclaw won the house cup with 460 points , Gryffindor had 459 points , Slytherin had 450 points and Hufflepuff had 446 points.

Faye and Alice sat in a compartment together 

After a while Jacob came and sat with them for sometime and played a game of exploding snap

Faye and Alice were surprised by how good he was at this game, after a while he had to leave to go and meet his other friends.

A few moments later , the compartment door opened again , the girls looked up to see the Slytherin house prefect Narcissa Black standing in the doorway, " Sorry to interrupt but I'm here to say that we will be reaching kings station in half an hours time , so you better go and change . " she said. The duo nodded and thanked her , she nodded and closed the door.

" Wow , I wasn't expecting that " said Alice

Faye nodded , but her mind was elsewhere , Narcissa wasn't a bad person like everybody believed her to be , Sirius agreed with this as well , she often noticed that whenever her older sister Bellatrix was around her , she acted mean , boss everyone around , spoke to muggleborns as if they didn't belong here , but she wasn't like that , Faye had seen her helping a first year muggleborn student search for it's pet , she has seen her kindness.

" Did you hear the news , it seems Bellatrix Black had used the Cruciatus curse on a first year muggleborn student , poor boy was so shaken up by that , that he didn't come out of the common room , until his friends dragged him out " said Alice sadly

Faye patted her hand and said " You know I really hope that someday we live in a world , were people are not seen on the basis of their blood status but on the basis of talent , knowledge , aptitude " 

Alice nodded and said " Yes I mean look at our Lily , despite being a muggleborn , she's doing so well in her studies . "

The girls shared a laugh

Then suddenly the door slid open again , and this time it was the marauders 

Sirius immediately went and sat beside her , " Hello sweetheart " , making her groan and the others laugh.

Soon the train stopped at the station and students one by one got down , before Faye left the compartment Sirius grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug .

" Promise , you'll write to me " he said 

" I will " Faye said , Sirius smiled at that and kissed her cheek

After getting down from the train , Faye noticed a house elf approaching her timidly , Faye immediately recognised her as Rose , the house elf with whom she had to go back home .

Faye gave her a warm smile


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