10. An Extraordinary Friend

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Edmund laid next to Caspian, as Isabel slept next to him, watching the stars. In a tired voice, Edmund said, "I've never seen these constellations before."

"Me neither," Caspian answered. "We're a long way from home. When I was a boy, I used to imagine sailing to the end of the world... finding my father there."

"Maybe you will."

Edmund continued staring at the sky.

Gael and Lucy were sitting up whilst Gael was looking at a picture of her mother. "I miss my mummy."

Lucy offered the young girl a gentle smile and said, "I miss mine too. Don't worry. You'll see her again."

"But how do you know?"

"You just have to have faith in these things. Aslan will help us."

"But Aslan couldn't stop her from being taken."

"We'll find her. I promise. Somehow."

Reepicheep walked up to Eustace and said, "Trouble sleeping?" Eustace turned his face away. "Now, now. Not is all as lost as it seems. I'll stay up with you if you wish... keep you company. I'll wager you didn't even believe in dragons this morning." He chuckled softly. "Yes. You know... extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people." He stepped closer to the dragon. "Maybe it's a sign... that you've got an extraordinary destiny."

Eustace lifted his head and Reepicheep stepped back as he continued. "Something greater than you could have imagined." Reepicheep turned and glanced back. "I could tell you one or two of my adventures if you like... just to pass the time." Eustace situated himself to listen. "Believe it or not, you're not the first dragon I've encountered. Many years ago, too many than I care to mention... I was with a band of pirates. I met another dragon, much fiercer than you..."

Gail woke early the next morning and gasped, shaking the queen. "Lucy! Lucy, wake up!" The young queen stirred at sat up as Gail pointed to the sky. "Look!"

There on the horizon was the Blue Star.

"The Blue Star!" Lucy said. "Everybody!"

"What? What is it?" Reepicheep asked.

"Everybody, wake up! It's the Blue Star!"

The crew began stirring and sat up.

Reepicheep shook Eustace. "Come on, old boy, wake up."

Eustace got up and the crew once again set sail once again, towards the Blue Star. To spare the boredom of travel, Lucy and Isabel reminisced of the times they'd had at Cair Paravel.

Isabel stepped onto the balcony and saw the mermaids look at her with worry before disappearing. Lucy appeared next to her and asked, "What do you think it is?"

Isabel shook her head. "Nothing good, I should think."

They stepped onto the main deck and Caspian was sitting on a box near Edmund and Drinian. As Isabel walked closer, she heard Drinian say, "The wind has left us."

Edmund frowned. "So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now, then?"

Drinian gave a small shrug. "My guess is something doesn't want us to get there." He noticed Isabel and Lucy and bowed his head. "Your Majesties."

While Lucy took Gael to another part of the ship, Clara Isabel next to Edmund and Caspian. "It's not looking good, I take it." The men shook their heads and Caspian took his wife's hand.

Everything seemed hopeless as the day went on. Drinian paced the deck as the royals stood near the wheel. Eustace was flying around above with Reepicheep on his head.

One crew member glared up at Eustace. "If I get any hungrier, I'm going to eat that dragon!"

Eustace flew back in fear and Reepicheep said, "Don't worry, Eustace, they'll have to deal with me first. Ah, careful!"

Drinian walked back towards them. "If we don't find land by tonight, they may well eat that dragon."

The ship suddenly jolted, and Isabel immediately grabbed the rail to steady herself as Caspian hastily wrapped his arms around her waist. "What did we hit?" she asked, still grasping the railing.

Edmund looked towards the dragon and yelled, "Eustace! That's brilliant!"

Everyone looked to see Eustace pulling the ship with his tail and the crew started cheering. "Onward, ho!" Reepicheep cried.

Caspian was in the cabin observing the swords. Edmund and Isabel watched from the balcony. Caspian picked one up to study it closer and expressed his concerns. "We can't even be sure if the lords made it to Ramandu's Island. How do we know they weren't tempted too?"

Edmund walked closer to Caspian. "Maybe this is all part of the test. Remember what Coriakin said. Seek the Blue Star. Stay true to its course. Never yield and never falter. They were tempted. And they faltered."

Caspian looked up at Edmund, shame in his eyes. "And we almost did, too."

A knock sounded at the door and Caspian said, "Come in."

The door opened and Lucy appeared in the doorway. "We're almost there."

Isabel nodded and they filed out of the cabin and to the boats. They rowed towards Ramandu's Island, Eustace flying above them, exhausted.

"You got us there!" Reepicheep cried. "What did I tell you, Eustace? Extraordinary! Ha ha ha! Extraordinary!"

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