Chapter 9

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     "Up and at 'em

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     "Up and at 'em."

Akhi awoke with a jolt. His dreams of home disappeared and were replaced by Halima, standing over him.

"Ugh... why?" Akhi used a paw to cover his face and rolled away from Halima. He was used to his human's schedule of waking at dawn, not at night.

"I'm taking you to see a rat about a job."

"A job?" he grumbled.

"Yes. A job. This isn't your humans' house anymore. Us ferals need to work for our food," Halima poked him in the ribs with a paw.

Akhi stood and stretched his back. His stomach rumbled with hunger as it was still primed for two heaping bowls of cat food a day.

"Can I have another can of those fish?"

"Sorry, no food until we get to where we're going."

He watched as Halima slipped on her spiked metal wrist bracers and a satchel around her waist. The bag was covered in gray fur and blended nearly perfectly with Halima's own.

"Do I get one of those?" he pointed to the satchel.

"Do you have money to buy one?" she asked innocently.

Akhi harrumphed

"That's what I thought. That's why we're getting you a job."

Akhi carefully followed Halima as she opened the cardboard door and leapt down to the alley. The night's sky was clear, but there was too much light pollution from the city to see any stars. After a few tailwags of listening for other living things and smelling their surroundings, they proceeded to walk towards one of the wider streets. They strolled in silence for a few minutes until Akhi's curiosity got the best of him.

"So how do you have the money to buy anchovies and cool wrist guards and special bags?"

"I have a job," she replied while keeping her head pointed forward.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a headhunter."

Akhi stopped in his tracks and looked at her in concern.

She turned back and shook her head.

"It's not a literal hunter of heads," she sounded frustrated. "I work for a group of rats. They pay me to recruit other animals for certain jobs."

"Can I be a headhunter too?"

"Sorry, the position's filled."

A loud rumbling filled their ears and seemed to be getting louder. The two cats dove behind a mailbox just as a black town car sped past them on the street. Standing so close together, Akhi was able to see the slight contrast between Halima's fur and her satchel. After waiting to make sure the streets were quiet, they cautiously continued on their journey.

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