Chapter 24

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     Halima ran to Akhi's side after checking to make sure the rats had truly fled

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     Halima ran to Akhi's side after checking to make sure the rats had truly fled. With their combined effort, the two cats were able to roll the giant metal can just enough to free Akhi's damaged paw from underneath. 

"Are you ok?" she asked, looking at his wounded forepaw.

"I think my claws on this paw are broken." He winced before looking at Halima with wide eyes. "You came." It came out as a half statement, half question.

"Yeah, well... an animal once told me it's never too late to do some good. So I followed Roman's chariot," she shrugged dismissively. "Don't get a big head over it."

"Thank you," he uttered.

A look of concern suddenly fell over Akhi's face. "Oh cod, Misha!"

He sprinted to Misha's side. Halima, Commander Lupo, and Fauzia followed close behind.

Akhi looked down at the broken body laying before him on the cold cobblestones of the alley. Misha's head was resting in Noah's lap as the boy stroked her with his hands. Her fur was pocked with open wounds, caked with blood. Her side barely rose while a faint, crackly breath escaped her snout.

Akhi looked at commander Lupo for a second opinion. The elder dog silently closed his eyes and shook his head. 

The black cat gently lowered his head and brushed the top of it along Misha's side.

"I'm sorry, Misha," Akhi whispered as tears welled in his eyes. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Without moving her body, Misha's good eye looked up at him. Her mouth moved slightly but Akhi could barely hear the sound. He lowered his head again, this time closer to her mouth.

"Is he safe?" she asked quietly.

Akhi looked at Noah.

"Yeah, Misha. Noah's safe," he said confidently, holding back his tears.

Misha closed her eyes in satisfaction and the hint of a smile curled up at the edge of her mouth. Her breaths became slower. Akhi sat on his haunches as the tears began to roll down the fur on his face.

"Ears up. There are more coming," Halima warned.

The black cat barely heard the commotion behind him until Halima put her paw on his shoulder. Akhi turned his head to see the rest of the Gibborim that had left the burrow with him. Commander Lupo left Misha's side to brief them on what had happened. The group was purposefully giving Misha a respectful distance as they listened to the account.

All of the animals except the fox stayed with Commander Lupo, occasionally looking at Misha and Akhi with distraught expressions.

Fannie wailed as she ran to Misha's side.

"Misha!" the fox screamed. She threw her forepaws around Misha's neck and began to sob.

Misha opened her eyes again and began to whisper something to her dogmate.

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