Chapter 16

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     Akhi was startled awake

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     Akhi was startled awake. The sound of deep rhythmic booms vibrated through the wall of his room. In his groggy state, it took him longer than usual to recognize the Legion's war drums being hammered in the assembly room, further down the hallway of the underground complex. We sleep during the day to work at night, he reminded himself. The sun must be setting. Despite having heard them almost every night for six moon cycles on end, Akhi was still not used to the sound of the drums shaking him awake, no matter where he tried to hide from them. He wondered if the lack of sleep was contributing to the sadness he had been feeling.

The drums stopped their beating and, for a moment, Akhi remembered his dream. He had been far away from the dark catacombs of the underground lair. He had been home, with Misha and Jacob and Abigail and his sleeping mat in the basement. Noah had been waving around Akhi's favorite ribbon, dangling from its thin colorful baton.

Akhi desperately tried to fall asleep again before the beating of the drums resumed, causing his bloodshot eyes to shoot open with a realization. Home was the last place someone used my real name. Here, I am Cagney the thief.

He sat up on his resting pillow and rubbed the corners of his ears. That usually helped his milk headaches go away. But not this time. Halima was always warning him that too much of the white liquid was bad for him.

The robbery earlier in the week had been a resounding success and he had celebrated with the others. Perhaps a bit too heartily. It was already their third night in a row drinking until the memory of the pharmacy all but vanished from their minds. The mugs of milk had brought on a sort of sleepiness that worked as a balm on his guilt.

After some time had passed, Akhi stared up at the custom brass chandelier above his bed. It was the most expensive lighting hardware the servants had ever installed and now it's mine, he thought. It gave him a small satisfaction. It was how he measured happiness these days.

In his private room, there were silver trinkets and ribbons neatly arranged on oak shelves on one wall. Hanging in the closet were Akhi's embroidered silk robes, to be worn at special Legion of Mischief galas celebrating battle victories and large hauls of loot, stolen from nameless victims. In the corner of the room was a tall glass case, in which his customized padded armor, burglary gear, and weapons were stored.

He glanced at the ribbons displayed neatly along the shelves. They had been awarded by senior legionnaires for bravery. But everytime he looked at them he felt shame swell inside of his chest instead of pride. Each one represented a unique mission where Akhi had demonstrated 'courage above the call of duty' in helping to steal something that belonged to someone else, he completed the sentence in his mind.

One red and gold medal in the shape of a star seemed to stare back at him. It had been awarded to him three moon cycles ago, after the raid on Hope's Place. Where he had saved most of his team from the woman with the club. It had been one of the largest hauls of food for the Legion raiders that season. I wonder if her daughter had food to eat the next morning? He shook his head from side to side to block out the thought.

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