iv. FRIDAY !

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FRIDAY WAS AN AWKWARD day for Serafina de Goes. Her boyfriends team and her brothers team were playing against each other. She used to always be proud of wearing the white jersey that had the name of Rodrygo decorating the back. However, ever since dating Pedro, she also had to be proud of wearing the red and blue jersey.

She lets out a deep sigh and puts away her two jerseys and instead opted for an outfit that combined the three colors. A white knit cropped sweater with dark flare jeans, a red belt, and dark blue sneakers. "At least it's a compromise." She mumbles to herself as she clips her hair up with a pearl claw clip, her grown out bangs adorning the sides of her tan face.

"Amor, I have to go. I'll see you later?" Pedro's voice fills the room as he peeks his head into the bathroom. He furrows up his eyebrows when noticing the lack of blue and red on her. "You're not wearing your Barcelona jersey?" He jokingly asks, making his way over to her and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Obviously not. You're playing against my brother." Serafina replies with a small smile as she gets started on her makeup by applying her concealer. "Have to find a compromise, right?"

The Spanish boy lets out a sigh as he places a kiss on her cheek. She scrunches up her nose and smiles as she felt the facial hair on his chin tickle her cheek. "Right, but I'll still be scoring today."

"I'm counting on it." She says before placing a goodbye and a good luck kiss on his lips. Pedro was quick to leave to head to warm ups, leaving her behind to get ready. Her phone started to buzz and she takes a glance at it to see Vinicius was calling her.

Serafina's eyes widened as she sets her phone up against her pink makeup travel box. She answers the call and is met with his and her brothers familiar faces. "Serafina!" Vinicius exclaims causing her to let out a laugh.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be warming up?" She questions as she grabs her rare beauty blush and applies a bit on her cheeks.

"That's what I told him!" Rodrygo replies, lightly slapping his arm. "But he was like, 'No! I'm bored! Let's call Serafina!'"

"I don't sound like that!"

"Yes you do."

"I don't!"

Serafina holds back a laughter as she watches the two argue on camera. Rodrygo finally had enough and left to go warm up with Federico, leaving the two behind.

"You're not going to warm up?" She asks Vinicius.

He lets out a loud laugh in reply. "I only need to practice my dance moves." He replies, shaking his shoulders like he was dancing.

His response caused her to burst out into laughter. Luckily, she didn't mess up her makeup. Before he could say anything else, Eduardo shouting at him to join for warmups interrupted him.

"Gotta go, Seri. Duty calls!"

"Go practice your moves for when you score!"

"Hey, I better see you dancing with me." Vinicius says, pointing at the camera with a hopeful smile. Serafina playfully rolls her eyes. "Samba! I better see you dancing samba with me."

She gives him a thumbs up as she lets out a chuckle. "I'll dance samba with you."

"Counting on it."

"Vini!" Eduardo's voice interrupts again as he runs up to the Brazilian. "Oh, hi Serafina." He waves at the girl through the camera and she waves back. "Come on or else you won't start."

"I always start!"

"Just come on!"

Vinicius turns back to Serafina as he waves at her. "Now I actually have to go. See you later!"

"See you!"


5 MINUTES WAS LEFT on the clock and the score was 2-2. Pablo and Pedro scored the 2 goals for Barcelona in the first half. Serafina cheered for her boyfriend's team of course, but couldn't help but feel a bit sad when the first half ended in 2-0.

In the second half, Real Madrid managed to score two more times thanks to Rodrygo and Karim. The score was now tied and both teams were desperate to at least score one more time.

Serafina watches anxiously as the ball gets passed around among Barcelona players. All of the sudden, she sees Vinicius running across the field with the ball.

He makes it near the net and swings his leg. The ball flies over the goalkeeper and hits the back of the net. She lets out a loud cheer as she stands up from her seat, clapping as his teammates gave him a hug.

Vinicius looks over at Serafina and soon started to move his feet along to a beat in his mind. She lets out a loud laugh as she copies his movement, pretending that her favorite samba song was playing.

He kisses the emblem on his jersey before heading back to his place on the field. She sits back down with a smile on her lips, not noticing the strange stares from Pedro and the glances from his teammates.

goal 4 vini bc his goal today
didn't count <\\\3

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