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"I DON'T WANT ANOTHER SITUATION like last time." Pedro mumbles as he watches Serafina do her makeup. The Brazilian raises her eyebrow but nods her head in agreement.

"Don't worry about it." She quietly says in reply, applying her lip gloss onto her lips. He walks up behind her to wrap his arms around her. "Just so you know, Vini is just a friend to me."

Deep down, it hurt her having to say that he was nothing but a friend. Part of her wishes she could turn back time and ignore when Pedro called her. The Spanish player had been kind and romantic to her that she just felt guilty about leaving him. She had always been a hopeless romantic. Even if she gains a lot of attention from many people around her, she can't help but easily be led in by romance which Pedro was happy to give her.

He lets out a sigh. Taking a step back, he replies, ""Doesn't mean I have to like him."

"I know but still. At least cooperate. For me?"

"I'll just not say anything. Don't expect me to be. best friends with him."

Serafina takes one last glance in the mirror before deciding she was ready. Once again, she wasn't wearing a jersey. She opted for a black long sleeve wrap top with flare jeans. She knew there would be controversy if she wore white or red and blue. A color that was neither seemed to be the best option.

"Just don't be a bitch. This game will cause enough drama considering the teams." She says, grabbing her bag and making sure everything was in. "You said you were going to stop being jealous."

Pedro raises his eyebrow as a frown appeared on his lips,"Don't I have a reason to be?"

Serafina stayed silent for a moment. She takes a deep breath before grabbing his arm. "Let's get going. Don't wanna be late, right?"

A smile replaces Pedro's frown as he wraps his arm tightly around her waist. "Let's go see this amazing win we're about to have."


IT WAS NOT AN AMAZING WIN. At least, for Barcelona it wasn't. For Real Madrid on the other hand, it was a grand victory to the final. Serafina was at the edge of her seat the entire game.

At the very end of the first half, Vinicius scored. It took everything in her to not start cheering and screaming for him. She didn't fail to notice the looks Pedro sent her when the Brazilian scored.

Second half came and Karim scored 3 goals, one being a penalty. She was overwhelmed with joy from seeing her brothers team have such a grand victory after multiple bad el clásicos.

She could feel the anger coming from Pedro next to her. When she met up with his teammates by the locker room, she could sense the disappointment from them as well.

Serafina heard cheering coming from the other locker room. Without a doubt, it was her brother and his team celebrating their win which lead them into the finals. She takes a step away from Pedro and his teammates before sneaking away to the other locker room.

She hesitantly opens the door and is met with the sight of her brother dancing around. When Rodrygo notices her behind him, he wraps his arm tightly around her. "Nós ganhamos! [we won]  We're going to the finals, Sera!" He excitedly exclaims as she lets out a loud laugh.

Vinicius notices her with Rodrygo. He makes his way to her as her brother takes a step back to join Eduardo in celebration. "You came." He says to her with a wide smile.

Serafina's smile matched his once she finally looks up at him. "Of course. It was an exciting game. You did good, Vini."

"Thank you, Seri. What'd your boyfriend think?" He asks, a smirk replacing the wide smile he previously had.

She playfully rolls her eyes at his question. "He's not my boyfriend, we're just talking again." He raises his eyebrow at her response. "...And he seemed upset. I shouldn't even be here right now." She adds with a chuckle.

"You're on the winners side now, Seri."

Before Serafina could reply, her phone started to ring. She checks the caller id. It was Pedro, clearly calling to see where she was. "Shit, I've gotta go. I'm heading back to Madrid next week. I'll see you then?"

"I'll see you then." Vinicius replies with a smile before pulling her into a quick hug. They press light kisses against each others cheeks as a form of saying goodbye before she leaves the locker room.

She carefully made her way down the hall until she sees Pedro's back. "Pedri!" She says once she was right next to him.

"Serafina, where were you?" Pedro quickly asks her. He had an annoyed look on his face. He was already annoyed by the result of the game. Not being able to find her was the cherry on top.

"In-in the bathroom." She gives him a smile in hopes that he'd believe her lie.

He squints his eyes at her, running his hands through his dark hair. "Are you lying to me?"

Serafina's eyes widened as she quickly shakes her head. "No! I'm not. I thought I got my period, that's all." She responds, twirling a strand of her dark straightened hair around her finger. "I'm hungry. Are you hungry? There's a place nearby that I've been wanting to try. Or-Or I can cook at your place. Whatever is fine." She says after, wanting to change the topic of the conversation.

"I want to go home. I'm not in the mood to go out right now." Pedro mumbles as they both made their way down the halls. She slowly nods in reply. As much as she wanted to try that new restaurant, she knew that the topic of the game and then Vinicius would come up. And Serafina would do anything to avoid talking about the Brazilian winger.

She walked close to him. He wraps his arms around her waist and she immediately found some sense of comfort with him. "I'll make something quick and easy. You still need to eat even if you're upset."

"I know, thank you, Serafina."

"Of course, Pedro."

bi speaks ! ☆彡
this game had me so😄😁

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