Part 7 -morning after-

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Jules pov-
I woke up that morning feeling like a mess I walked into the kitchen saying hi to Clara "I think I'm gonna ask Ramona if she wants to hang out" I said still complete forgetting last night "that's not a good idea Jules..." she said "why?" I asked "you don't remember?" She asked as I stood there "you guys broke up" she said as my eyes widened my eyebrows went up "what?" I said she just nodded I looked at the clock above shit I've got work in 30 I got read really quick and walked when I entered I saw Ramona I looked at her for a second before going to walk behind the counter "where the bleep have you been Juliet!" I heard Julie say "nobody calls me Juliet, and at least I came" I said "there is a long bleeping line here and I'm not bleeping doing your job!" Julie yelled "whatever" I mumbled as I grabbed my name tag and helped serve people I put the cash into the register and just what I didn't want to happen happened Ramona stepped to the counter as I just looked at her "what can I get you today, mam" I said in a stern voice, "what the bleep is going on your always so bleep lovey dovey when she bleeping comes inside "nothing that's your fucking business Julie!" I yelled as a few people walked out of the line leaving the store, I looked back at Ramona "well, what can I get you" I said in a just as rude voice "oh trouble in bleep paradise" Julie said "shut the fuck up Julie!"  I said as a woman and her child walked out of the store "I'll have a coffee" she said "Tara, I've got an order of a coffee!" I said "okay" she said to me about a minute or something later the coffee was ready and I gave it to her "that'll be 4.50" I said as she handed me the change "have a nice day" I said as I fake smiled. An hour had passed by I had a short shift today since I had practice

(At young Neil's house)
I was just strumming my guitar as I looked at the not in my bag "who the hell are the katayanagi twins?" I said "oh you don't know" Stephan said "know what?" I asked "they just happen to be the next band in the battle and they are total bad ass" Stephan said "Ramona dated twins?" Kim said "apparently" I said in a still stern voice "like at the same time" Neil said almost chuckling "you know what I don't care, we're over" I said still mad strumming my guitar hardly "good" Stephan said before getting cut off my Kim "she seriously doesn't look okay" "I'm fine" i said Almost as sternly as I talked like to Ramona "well you know how I feel about girls blocking the rock" Stephan said and as much as i wanted to curse him out and leave I couldn't all I said was "I play better when I mad" I said "she does it brings out the rock in her" Scott said "shut up Scott" I said "see" he said trying to prove his point as I was strumming my guitar "look if it's gonna be an issue we can not have a guitar for the song" Stephan said sighing "in good, I can play!" I half yelled Kim looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed "look we'd understand if you didn't want to take part" Stephan said "I SAID IM FINE!" I yelled "okay I'm getting tingles" Stephan said considering I had never yelled at him "whoa!" Young Neil said.

(At the battle of the bands)
"Okay where doomed" Stephan said "that poster needs more exclamation marks" kim said "stop hating" I said "it's a nice poster" "oh man we're gonna get killed" Stephan said
"We're going on in five minutes!" I hummed "wait aren't the katayanagis going on first?" Stephan asked as I pointed to the poster "wait amp vs amp?!, we're going on stage at the same time!"Stephan said confused asf as I nodded "that's impossible!" Scott said spoiler alert it's not impossible "okay my bad" Scott said "you're bad is saying my bad" Kim told him "oh god we shouldn't even be here!" Scott said worriedly "come on man I put my problems aside to be here, if I can do that we can do this" I yelled as Kim noticed Ramona looking at me slap Stephan "have you spoken to Ramona?" She asked "no not since this morning she got a coffee" I said "oh she's totally here" Kim said "oh fuck" I said accidentally into the microphone as Ramona noticed me looking at her "okay never mind I can't do this" I said as Kim got up and slapped me "dude what the fuck" I said "you needed it" she said "come on Jules forget about Ramona, you can do this" kim told me as I smiled and nodded. A bunch of lights turned on in front of us it was the twins, I saw Ramona talking to a guy who turned to me and looked at me dead serious and so did the twins it was kinda worrying. They played a very high note and some harmonic notes, "okay gang we can do this, I mean we can do this right" Stephan said getting worried again "right" Kim said "Jules" Stephan told me as I was looking at the crowd pissed off "JULES!" Kim yelled I looked up and the katayangi twins started playing roughly, they put a big gust of wind that tore the roof off it was crazy "omg they tore the roof off!" I yelled the crowd yelled and cheered jumping up and down. "We are sex Bob omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff" scott yelled into the microphone as we all started playing our instruments
This is the beginning of this song,
I'm hearing voices animal noises, the feminine abyss and reaching my threshold staring at the truth till I'm blind my body's stupid stereo putrid spilling out music in raw sewing's reaching my threshold staring at the truth till I'm blind
Stephan and I sang, the twins looked at each other and nodded and it seemed like they turned something
My threshold
Stephan sang as two dragon like creatures came out of the wall,
Reaching my threshold
I sang as the dragon spit out cold wind and ice making our stage go blue, they blew again as I fell on the floor alongside everyone else "let's just leave guys" I said "we screwed the pooch informs of Gideon graves we're done" Stephan said "Gideon's here?" I said "that geeky guy next to your girlfriend" Kim sages I looked Kim then to Gideon he was kissing Ramona's hand "that's Gideon, Gideon is GMAN?" I said "we're finishing this!" I yelled
Reaching my threshold my threshold my threshold my threshold
We sang as I clicked a button creating a big monster that looks like it came out of the last kids on earth.
Our instruments were playing and we where no longe singing, the animal I created killed killed the other two and the twins disappeared as the crowd opens there hands as coins fell everywhere "fuck" I said "Jules not that I care but you should talk to Ramona, I don't care tho" Kim said as I smiled at her "yeah.." I mumbled as I jumped off the stage and I saw Clara "holy shit that was crazy Jules!" Clara said smiling "yeah it was, do you think I should talk to Ramona" I asked showing Clara where she was and who she was with "hey, it Doesn't hurt to try, go get her" she told me as I smiled and nodded I ran outside and saw her, "Ramona, I don't usually do shit like this but" I said "I need to tell u something too" she said "I know your not talking to me and I guess you have a reason to, but I know your struggling with your past right now but I want you to know I don't care about the exes" i said "I think we should break up" she told me "it's Gideon, I just can't I can't help myself around him" she told me "that's the bad news, hey"Gideon said walking to us as the rest of the group walked over to the three of us "the good news is that I'm officially loving sex bombs" "it's sex Bob omb" I said "three piece rick Oufit with a smoking hot red head on drums,music to my ears, you know what I'm not even going to wait to see you guys in the finals I'm signing you right now for a three album contract, see I'm not such a bad guy after all" Gideon said handing me the paper and pen and no matter how much I wanted to say no and leave this was for my future, I hesitated before writing my name "Jules, don't fuck up your future because of me" ramona said as I looked up to see her staring at me I looked back at the paper and signed it giving it to everyone else, suddenly Scott got randomly mad and quit the band, "no I won't be in a band with this douche, find somebody else to be the base player" he said my eyebrows went up "scott" I mumbled neil walked over and signed the paper Scott walked off as everyone cheers I stayed silent "sign sign sign, and we are all set! Sweetie shall we" Gideon said as he opened the door for Ramona "bye Jules" she mumbled to me as I watched her enter the car "fuck" I mumbled "oh Jules, we really should be thanking each other because she wouldn't have dated you if it wasn't for me and I wouldn't be back with her if it wasn't for you" he said "oh don't you pull that fucking card on me gideon, i wish I never met her or you, you fucked up my life, I hope you and Ramona are happy" I said with a mad stern voice almost like how I was with Ramona at the coffee shop but much madder he entered the car before getting back out "oh Jules, between you and I this whole league of exes I was in a really dark time when I made it, so forgiven" he said "that motherfucker" I said Scott walked away mad and the only thing on my mind was why the hell would Scott do that, I wanted to run after him and talk to him about it but me and Scott weren't even friends anymore, especially after the break up even tho we forgave each other it wasn't the same and it never has been but did Scott do that for me? Is all I could think I mean he had no beef with Gideon and he was dating Clara and he dosent like Ramona so? What other problem could there be to want to quit the band. We all walked away taking to each other. When I started to walk my own way to my apartment I wanted to die and all I did was cry when I entered the house I wiped away my tears and sat on my bed listening to music. A few minutes later Clara walked in "Jules was she really the one" she said "the what?" I asked as a tear fell down my eye "did you really see a future with That girl, time heals all wounds maybe next time don't date the girl with 7 evil exes" she said "I didn't care about them, I loved her" I said "did you love her more than envy?" She asked as I cried and nodded she walked to me and hugged me "it'll get better don't worry" she said as I just cried. A few minutes later I heard a call Clara answers "it's for you" she told me "hello" I said "hey pal I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier I don't want hard feelings so I figured why not be the bigger man and call you "look as you know I'm opening the chaos theater in Toronto and your performing" "yeah I know you told me today dip shit" i said "whoa, I just wanted to say could you give Scott a call and tell him he's welcome to come" he told me "me, are you serious?" I said "well yeah" he said "call him yourself" I almost yelled into the phone before hanging up.

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