The Story Reborn...

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The Grandson of the man that took Kurt's place after his death, now was conscripted into the Xelbian Continental Army. He was part of the 285th Infantry Division, which had around 10,000 men in the division.

He was also named after his Grandfather, Cody. He served as part of the Reconnaissance Team, but after most of it was destroyed by Esplanade Naval Bombardments, he was switched to Heavy Infantry. His stature of 6'1" and 220 Pounds was more than enough for his job.

In 1855, Cody would eventually be deployed to the frontlines in Duscany. These would be heavily fortified and the first use of Trench Warfare had begun. Trenched were dug all around the Duscany-Esplanade Border. The fighting was absolutely brutal, fierce and bloody.

4 years... and over 44,000,000 have already died. Many died by Warships or disease that spread like wildfire. Even with medicine, many of the initially could be cared for, but now disease is completely ransacking the trenches...

However, the War was about to get MUCH worse. Esplanade Officials were curious about new types of weapons that are about to be used against the Duscany-Xelbian defenders...

The Esplanade Army was about to commence a final push into Duscany... if this fails, they'll have to be on the defensive from then on. The Operation was dubbed "Operation Final Bloodbath".

The Operation consisted of over 5 Million Musketeers, and over 50,000 Cannons. This is the largest force ever seen so far, and this final force will determine whether the world has a new superpower, or if the Esplanade Empire collapses under its weight, as did the Uhmar Empire.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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