Chapter 10 : The Paramour Identified

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Amélie sat on her bed in the tiny, largely unfurnished room that was heated by a small plug-in radiator heater that she could only afford to plug in for short periods during the coldest weather. 

Her small room lay within the apartment that she shared with four other young students, all of whom had to share the communal living area and the basic amenities. Five tiny bedrooms fed into a larger octagonal living area with a kitchenette and bathroom. The utility bills were all split by five as well as the weekly tasks of cleaning and taking everyone's clothes to the laundromat as there were no means to clean clothes in the flat.

Amélie turned the note she retrieved from the telephone booth in her hands a few times, reading and rereading its contents again and again. It was writ in the unmistakable hand of her part-time lover's wife, Monique, and evidence of her complete infidelity.

An initial tear swiftly became a stream running down Amélie's cheek as she reread the sentiments across the page. The  tears of anger that the woman, whom she felt had everything desirable in the world, would throw it all away for a casual lover. These mixed with the happy tears of joy that the man she loved above all others had in fact been totally rejected by his wife and there may be a chance, however slim, that she may win him totally for herself. The note she held in her hand swung the balance of power right over to her and she knew she had to be wise about her next move.

She then pondered over the delivery system, and just how this information should reach the now paranoid Café proprietor's hands. Should she slip it into his pocket or his wallet? Or perhaps should she just gently tell him herself… but when? At work? During the morning or the evening shift? Or should she tell him during one of their private excursions?

Often, Maurice would arrange for her to stay in a hotel over the weekend and visit her there. She loved these times as she not only had his undivided attention, but she also got to enjoy a large living space, a freshly dressed bed with crisp sheets, central heating, a large bath, a television, and freshly cooked meals brought directly to her room. Momentarily gone was the damp, the smell of mold, and the dim light of the student share, and she loved it. But her big dream was to live with Maurice and become wife number three - his final wife.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Amélie asked as she looked at her bedroom door.

The head of one of her housemates poked around the door, "The toilets are blocked again. Henry's trying to fix it. We're also out of milk and bread. I just wanted to know if you wanted anything from the… what are you clutching there?"

Amélie was so lost in thought that she barely heard the current affairs being relayed to her. She looked down at the note she held, "Would you believe that…" she said before she paused for a moment, "The man I'm seeing, his wife is writing illicit notes to a paramour."

Her housemate walked in and sat on the bed beside her and took the note as she spoke, "You mean the successful businessman that the others don't think exists."

"He does exist!" Amélie protested. 

"And I suppose you are going to tell me that he is tall, dark, and handsome?" The housemate asked.

"He is so!" Amélie said before she looked up and closed her eyes, "Over six feet tall, raven-haired, very, very slender and stately. He has a deep voice and speaks English perfectly and with ease. He dresses elegantly with small hints at flamboyance and he has unusual features and has a strange aire to him." 

"He speaks English perfectly? How would you know?! You don't speak English!"

"I can tell! Because he speaks it with a largely British accent as he studied in the United Kingdom. He knows I want to learn to speak it and said he would teach me." Amélie said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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