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-At the Russian household-

Soviet comes back home and looks around.

His children who were in the room looked at him, He noticed that there was no Russia in the room.

"Where is Russia?" Sovist asks his children.

"In the kitchen, why?" Belarus answers and turns to look at her father.

"I have to talk with him," Soviet answers and then adds "In private."

Belarus looks at him for a while and then says "alright, he's in the kitchen like I said" and turns away to continue watching the tv with her siblings.

Soviet walks to the kitchen, to find, surprisingly, only Russia in the room.

"Oh," Russua mumbles when he notices his father walk into the kitchen.

"I need to talk to you," His father says to him.

"What about?" Russia says looking at Soviet.

"Marriage," Soviet answers him in a harsh tone.

Russia looks at him"Who's getting married?" He asks his father with visible confusion in his voice.

"To put it simply-" Soviet makes a pause, "-you."

Russia looks at Soviet with shock on his face.
"What?" He asks after a while of silence. "What do you mean!? I never agreed to this."

"In the meeting with Britain, we agreed on a marriage," Soviet answers.

"Am I marrying to fucking America!?" Russia raises his voice.

"No, I wouldn't let you." Soviet simply said to him.

"Who then?" He asks Soviet.

"Canada," Soviet answered to him.

He stays silent.
"Why am I marrying him?" He asks in a lower voice.

"For us and the English to become allies," Soviet answered.

"Because of that, I need to marry someone from his family!?" Russia raises his voice again.

"Yes, you have 4 weeks until the marriage." He coldly says to him.

"Why didn't you just sign a contract then!?" Russia asks me.

"If the contract would be ripped it would end, marriage doesn't end that easily, you can't divorce him, and if someone wanted to end it they would have to kill one of you, which isn't easy," Soviet explains.

Soviet saw how Russia's face changed when he said divorce.
"Canada is weak! It would be easy to kill him!" Russia yells.

"No, he isn't that weak, his father is Britain, after all," Soviet said to him.

"So?" He asks.

"So, you know how he is," Soviet answers him.

"No, no I don't," Russia says.

"He's a strict parent and someone who would teach his children how to fight and more," Soviet explains to his son.

"..." Russia stays silent.

"Like I said you have 4 weeks before the marriage, and you're meeting Canada tomorrow," His father tells him.

"Tomorrow!?" he yells.

"Yes, fix your attitude until you meet with him," Soviet says to him

"Why so soon!?" Russia asks him ignoring the sentence he just said to him.

"So you would get to know him, you're going to be living with him after all," Soviet said to him.

"WHAT!?" Russia screamed out loud not being able to control his anger anymore.

"..." Soviet stays silent saying nothing about Russia screaming.
"Get up tomorrow at 7:00, we are going to their place, we should be there at 10:00, don't be late," Soviet told him.

"Explain the details," Russia asks him.

"Dress up nicely, not casually, but not fancy, somewhere in the middle," Soviet says to him. "Don't be mean to him, if you can don't get drunk, don't start a fight, don't ignore him-"

"-I get it, act as a normal person..." Russia interrupts him.

"Yes, and don't break any of those 'rules'. If you do-" He makes a pause, "-that's another story."

"I understand," Russia answers.

"Good," Soviet says.

Russia stands up and leaves the kitchen.

Russia opens the door to his room and lays down on his bed.

"Ughh," he mumbles "I don't want this marriage." He says to himself.

"What if he's like his brother?" Russia makes a pause to think about it, "I don't wanna know."


"Hey, brother!" Ukraine shouts and opens the door.

Russia instantly sits up, Ukraine notices but doesn't say anything about it until she notices the mood that Russia is in.
"What is it?" she asks her brother.

"What?" Russia asks confused.

"Why are you in such a bad mood? You weren't until your private talk with dad." She says "What did he say?"

"I'm getting married." Russia blurts out.

Ukraine turns to look at him with surprise all over her face.

"Congratulations! Who is she? Why didn't you tell us you were dating!? I'm so happy for you brother!" She congrats Russia with a wide smile on her face.

"No, dad, he arranged a marriage," Russia says.

"What?" Ukraine's smile fades. "Who is she then? Why did he do that?"

"He did it for an alliance with the English," Russia says in a sad tone.

"It's going to be alright, who is it then?" Ukraine comforts her brother.

"Canada." Russia finally says.

Ukraine looks even more surprised.

"he's a nice guy, it's going to be okay." she smiles. "want to explain it to me in detail?"

"No, father should tell you all later, after all, I am meeting with him tomorrow," Russia says

"Tomorrow!?" Ukraine yells surprised.

"Like I said dad should explain it to you all." Russia said again, "can you please leave?"

"Of course...don't mess it up," Ukraine says to Russia "...the meeting, you know..."

"Yes, I know," Russia answers.

Ukraine turns around and leaves completely forgetting why she came there in the first place, was it because of a game or something?

Russia hears his door being closed.

He again falls on his bed and starts overthinking again.

-Forever.- RusCan(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now