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(I dont remember much so sorry if im wrong about something.)

Rus is looks up and down and turns away,
"So.. we gotta avoid ur brother?" He asks.

Can looks at him for a second making a pause. "Yes? As long as possible."

"Alright i get it. Just making sure you know?" Rus says.

"Yeah." He chuckles.


Akward silence surrounds them.


"Wanna play something or what?" Can asks

"Sure." Rus agrees not wasting a second.

Can gets up to get the consoles sitting on the table not too far away from them,

After getting them he sits down in front of the electronic screen ordering rus to do that aswell.

"What do u want to play?" He asks

"I dont know." Rus answers "just pick random"

And as ordered Can does just that,
thats how they spend their next 2 hours playing a random shooting game that Canada just happened to have.

They both enjoyed it. The game sucked but the fun they had didn't.

It would've gone longer than two hours for sure, but America just had to interrupt.

Can annoyed opened the door, not forgeting to warn Rus before of course.

"CANADA!!!" Ame shouts as loud as he can, probably filling the whole house with the loudness.

"What...?" Can sighs guessing what this is about.

"My girlfriend got back with me!!" He says excited.

Can resists the urge to say 'for the 3rd time today' instead he says,
"Oh good for you man" Can smiles after saying that very nice sentence to make it even more believable "good to know" he says pulling one of his nicest smiles on his face.

After talking to him for a while Ame gets bored and walks out, leaving him alone.

"Ah..." Can sighs, "finally, how many times is that woman gonna break up with him." He says desperate for her to stop. (She won't)

Rus mutters something, Canada only now remembering him.

"Oh!" He mumbles, turning to look back.

As expected he finds no one else but Rus standing in front of him cursing out, no one else but america.

"Sorry about him..." can finally says.
"He always comes to me about any news he gets."

Rus looks up "huh..? What? Why?" He asks not understanding.

"Never figured it out, but my guess would be because of the stereotype." Canada calmly answers his question? Questions??

Russia blinks.

Canada looks back at him, and gives him a look.

Russia who was just making the confused look face finally gets it.


"You finally remembered my stereotype??" Can asks him with a look of annoyance and disappointment on his face.

"Yeah man." Russia honestly answers him.

"Good to know." Can plainly says.


"Wait." Rus says

"Mh?" Can looks up to him, finding Rus a bit 'shocked' you could say.

"Where am I gonna sleep..?" Rus asks.

"..." Can doesn't answer, thinking for a second.

"On the bed?" He answers or asks?

"Yeah i know that," rus gives can a disappointed look, and then says "I meant where."

"Dude," canada makes a pause.


Rus looks back giving him a questioning look.

"On the bed." Can answers.

"NO." Rus yells and can shushes him(🤫🧏‍♂️) and then rus sighs, "I meant which room." He finally says lowering his tone.

"Oh, the guest of course" can answers him with no thought behind it.

"Your brother will know." Rus reminds him.
"United states of America, America, the freedom country? Rings a bell??"

"Oh im sure he already knows by the yell you just shouted." Can sarcastically answers, but then adds "but if you're really worried we can just sleep together?"

"I don't th-" Russia starts saying but is immediately cut off by the door opening, or should i say getting thrown open.

They both turn to look at who opened it.

In the doorway stands no one else but America himself.

"CANADA!????" He yells.

"SHH!! I can explain!" Can shushes him.

America answers him with a lower tone this time "oh!? Can you!!?" He makes a small pause, continuing right after, "Why the fuck is russia in your room!?"

"Listen-" canada starts explaining but gets interrupted.

"Whatever you say I wont believe you!!!" Ame half yells, "because there is no explanation for this! Nothing!!!"

"AME! I SAID LISTEN" Can yells "he's here because his father- well...left him." Can explains getting a very annoyed look from Rus.

"What." Ame asks looking straight into canadas eyes.

And then right after, "he left to get some milk?"

Can looks at ame dissapointed.

"No he didnt." Rus answers "im here for only two weeks. Dont worry about it." You could notice a small smile on his face after he said that.

"Yuh uh." He mumbles, "well i wont interrupt your hook up with my brother anymore, bye."

Right after saying that he left not looking back at his called brothers face which was fully red now, and not noticing the very angry look rus was giving him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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