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They talked and talked...

Russia kept talking and asking questions about Canada's music taste.

"What's your favorite band?" Russia finally asked.

"Kittie if you couldn't tell," Canada answered.

Russia looked around just now noticing how many posters Canada had with the band Kittie.

"Do you have a favorite?" Canada asked Russia.

"I don't know...I never thought about it..." Russia says.


"Sorry about this whole situation..." Canada suddenly said.

"What?" Russia asks confused.

"It was my father who suggested this marriage," Canada answered.

"So? It's your father, not you." Russia answered.

Canada fakes a laugh.
"Never thought I would see you being nice to a country from the English family." Canada smiles.

Russia doesn't answer him.

"Aren't you supposed to hate me?" Canada asks.

"I do, kind of..uh..." Russia trails off.

Someone knocks on the door.
Both of them turn to look at it.

"'Nada! What are you doing??" America's voice can be heard through the door.

"What do you mean what am I doing!?" Canada shouts back confused.

"Who are you talking to??" America yells back.

Canada looks at Russia as if asking 'Should I say the truth?' Russia's face gives him the answer immediately.

"No one? Are you high!?" Canada asks.

"Kind of," America admits.

"Oh fucking hell," Canada whispers to himself.
"Did you get dumped again?" He asks.

"Can I come in?" America finally asks.

Canada quickly gets up taking Russia's hand to lead him to the closet whispering to him that this won't take long.

"Hello?" America asks again.

"Yeah," Canada says looking around and then suddenly making some of his CDs fall down on purpose.

America came into his room and looked at Canada.
Who was now fixing his cd's.

"Well, what happened?" Canada asked.

"She broke up with me again..." America sadly said.

After Canada fixed his cd's he sat next to America on his bed.

Russia could hear Canada sigh.
"For what? Did you do something?" He asks.

"No! She broke up with me for no reason!" America says.

They're like teenagers. Canada thought to himself.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, not knowing what else to say.

"That's why I came here-" America says and starts silently laughing.

"Alright then talk," Canada says.

"So we had a small argument and then she broke up with me!" America complained.

"She broke up with you in the argument or after it?" Canada asks.

"After it," America answered "And I don't understand why!? What did I do?" He raises his voice.

"Lower your voice, Father will hear," Canada says "and you probably didn't do anything, text her."

That talk went on for 10 more minutes.

"Thank you, Man," America says as he gets up from the bed.

"No problem" Canada answers and waves to his brother.

America waves back and closes the door.

When America was far enough from Canada's room, Russia came out of the closet.

"What the hell happened with him?" He asks.

Canada's eyes widen and he quickly turns around only to calm down seconds after seeing whose voice he was hearing.

"His girlfriend broke up with him again," Canada answers.

"He has a girlfriend?" Russia asks confused.

"Yes, I guess it's a secret or something," Canada says.

"Why did she break up with him?" Russia asks again.

"Didn't you hear?" Canada asks.

"Yes, but it's not the truth is it?" Russia answers.

"Half of it is the truth, he probably just didn't give her money or something." Canada makes a pause "And before you ask me anything yes she is dating him for the money."

"Did you ever meet her?" He asks again.

"Yes, she's not that bad, except for the dating part," Canada answers.

Russia stays silent.

"Do you need to change clothes?" Canada suddenly asks out of nowhere.


"Do you need to change your clothes, cause I do" Canada repeats the question

"I guess, can you give me something?" Russia asks

"Yeah wait." Canada says now looking trought his closet, after finding an over sized t-shirt and some sweatpants he gives them to Rus.

"Thanks." Rus says going to change.

Can watches him go away and then turns away, waiting for him to be done.

After a few minutes, Rus taps Canada's shoulder.

Can turns to look at him and walks away to change himself.

After a few minutes he comes back with a new sweater on, and a pair of pants.

-Forever.- RusCan(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now