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A few hours in and both Canada and Russia were completely drunk.

They didn't notice how Canada's siblings were watching them for a while until a maid told them to stay away from them.

That was a bit earlier though.

Now, at this very moment, they were sitting - still drinking - and telling the most random thing's that came to their heads.
Slurring over their words, sentences not formed well...

The hungover in the morning will be hell, both of them knew that, but that didn't stop either of them from drinking.

Both Russia and Canada wanted their minds let go from the stress for a while.

After a few minutes Canada's brother Australia had to lead Russia and Canada to their shared room so they wouldn't fall on their way there.

As soon as he took them there he left.
Probably because he was ordered to take us here. Canada thought to himself.

The room was big enough for two people and had blueish walls.
There was two beds, which made both Canada and Russia surprised.


Canada woke up first and looked around confused.
Once realizing it was the guest room in the house he became even more confused.

He sighed and got up from the bed.

He stepped on something soft.

Then someone started yelling Russian curse words.

Canada quickly got off from someone he stepped on.
That someone was Russia.

Canada looked at him with wide eyes.

"what are you doing on the floor..?" Canada quietly asked Russia.

Russia looked up to see Canada.
In his eyes, you could see shock from seeing Canada.

"I don't know. What are you doing here?" Russia answered him.

Canada spaced out for a second but then answered.

"I don't know. I think I was drunk." He said, now sitting down on the floor with Russia.

"I didn't think you drank," Russia said.

"Well, you learned something new," Canada said smiling.

Russia smiled back.

"Fuck, my head hurts." Canada hisses.

"Well, that's hungover for you." Russia laughed

"What are we supposed to do today?" Canada asks, changing the theme of the conversation.

"Nothing I was supposed to be home hours ago," Russia says casually, then realizes.

"Oh fuck."

Russia quickly gets up from the ground right after him so does Canada.

"What? What happened?" Canada asks.

"I need to find my father." Russia coldly says.

"He wouldn't leave you, would he?" Canada asks Russia.

"Would yours?" Russia harshly asks.

"Probably" Canada answers.

Russia looks at Canada with a confused expression on his face.

"Why?" He asks.

"He's a busy man, he's always busy, he wouldn't come back to take me as a punishment for forgetting or whatever your reason is for not coming with him," Canada explains.

Russia stays silent.
"Did he ever leave you?" Russia slowly asks.

"Yes lots of times, I'm a really forgetful person," Canada says.

"So am I..." Russia says. "We need to find your father." He then suddenly says.

"What? Why? What do you want to do with him?" Canada keeps asking with a confused expression.

"I need to ask him about my father," Russia answers.

"Your father?" Canada looks at Russia.


"I might know where he is..uhh... Follow me." Canada says and starts walking.

Russia follows him.

After a few minutes, Russia asks him. "Where is he?" He says looking around.

"We're here," Canada says standing in front of his father's office.

Russia walks in front of the office doors and knocks.

No answer.

He knocks a few more times until the doors open.

"What do you need, America!?" Britain yells with his eyes closed and 2 of his fingers rubbing them from angriness.

"Father." Canada softly says.

Britain opens his eyes to look at the two men in front of him.

"Canada? Russia? Oh! Russia!" Britain says more happily- or at least that's how he sounds- realizing why they are here.
"Russia, you are here to ask about your father, yes?" Britain asks him

"Yes," Russia answers.

"To answer your question, yes he did leave you here until the next meeting, he said that it's your punishment for getting drunk," Britain explains.

Russia's eyes slowly opened.
He would have yelled right here and right now, but he controlled his anger.

"When's the next meeting..?" he quietly asks.

"In two weeks, you have to be here for two weeks, if that's what you wanted to know," Britain says.

"And you don't mind??" Russia asks confused.

"No," He says "You're staying in Canada's room, he will lend you some clothes," Britain explained.

They didn't need a word to understand that they needed to leave.

"Alright thank you." Russia forced out from all his anger.

As soon as they left he started cursing.

"Why do I have to stay in your room!?" Russia raises his voice and turns to look at Canada.

"You know why," Canada answers.

"Where is your room?" Russia finally calms down.

"Right over there" Canada points at a door.

After a minute they were in front of the white door.

Canada opened it and let Russia in.

Russia looked around amazed by his room.
"Didn't think you listen to metal.." Russia says looking at the metal posters in his room.

"Do you listen to it?" Canada turns to look at Russia.

"Yeah," Russia answers.

Canada turns to look at him with amazed eyes.

"I have never met anyone else who listens to metal!!!" He yells from the excitement. "My brothers tell me it's shitty music."

"Oh." Canada then suddenly says.

"What happened?" Russia asks him

"America." Canada looks at Russia's eyes.

"Fuck." Russia says.
"Do you think it's possible to avoid him?" he asks.

"No, it's impossible," Canada confirms


-Forever.- RusCan(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now