It's an Addams

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Hello everyone and welcome to another book of mine! This was requested by someone (I'm sorry I don't remember you but if your reading this, Hello again!) so I wanted to make this.

Anyways hope you enjoy!!!!!!!


y/n: your name


3rd POV

A 17 year old Wednesday was holding a certain girls legs over his lap as she read, Y/n. (Y'ALL ARE BEAUTIFUL QUEENS/KINGS/ROYALS/ETC. APPRECIATE YOURSELVES)

Them along with Pugsley were listening to a girl explaining how babies are made. ''And then mommy kissed daddy, and the angel told the stork, the stork flew down from heaven, and left a diamond under a leaf in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a baby.'' She said (When I heard this in the movie, I lost braincells just from hearing about a diamond and cabbage patch like....... what...)

''Our parents are having a baby too.'' Pugsley said to her. ''They had sex.'' Wednesday said bluntly before Y/n lightly hit him in the head with her book. ''Was just saying the truth mon carbeau.'' Wednesday told her as he slightly smiled at her.

She shook her head with a light chuckle before reading again.


Wednesday and Pugsley had been arguing over the baby's gender. Y/n was still reading but now she was sitting on Wednesdays lap. 'I really want to read in piece but I can't have one minute of silence can I.' Y/n had thought as the boys still bickered.

Gomez had entered the room the Addams were waiting in. ''Gomez!'' Fester exclaimed. ''what news?'' Grandmama said looking at him. ''Father, what is it?'' Wednesday asked. Gomez looked at them with excitement on his face. ''It's an Addams!''

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