The Cast

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So I'm skipping some parts cause I can and it's my book but also cause I wanna get into the juicy shit soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yea.................................................................................... ENJOYYY 😋


3rd POV

Gary and Becky were standing on a stage in front of the campers who were sitting on the benches. ''Heads up campers! Jamboree's only two weeks away, and you know what that means!'' Gary announced to the campers. ''Clean cabins!''

''Creating with clay!'' ''And canoes, canoes, canoes!''

Meanwhile, Pugsley, Wednesday, Y/n, and Joel were under the bleachers, and Joel opened a envelope. 

''Look at this!'' I got 'em! Schitzoes and Serial Killers. I gave almost the whole series. I'm only missing Jack the Ripper and that Zodiac guy. But look, the Black Widow.'' He showed a card that had Debbie's face on it. ''It might be Debbie.'' Y/n said. ''At least three rich husbands, all dead.'' Joel told them. ''I must say, I'm impressed that you have learned this much about these women who might be Debbie to help us save our Uncle Fester.'' Y/n told the nerd who had blushed. Wednesday's glare on the boy had gone unnoticed by the other two males, before it went away when Y/n put her hand on arm rubbing it soothingly.

Wednesday grabbed her hand holding it as he watched to other two bicker while Y/n still observed the pictures.


''Each year, we conclude our summer with a very special presentation. Book, music, and lyrics by...''

''Gary Granger!'' Becky announced before clapping. Amanda also clapped but none of the other kids did making her the only one. (Honestly I laughed a little at this scene. 🤭)

''And this year, the old bean had came up with something pretty exciting.'' Gary bragged. ''My own personal salute to the first Thanksgiving.'' Amanda and another girl held hands, nervous about the casting roles.

''Now we have thought, long and hard about choosing just the right little actress for the leading role of Sarah Miller, our beautiful and kindly pilgrim lady. And, we have selected...... Amanda Buckman!'' Amanda squealed in excitement and her friends clapped along for her.

As Gary and Becky were announcing the roles, Y/n couldn't help but wonder, Morticia said something about the Nanny agency being out of Nannies, but somehow, Debbie had came along. (Don't you just love when you accidentally type somehoe instead of somehow.......)

Suddenly everyone paid attention to who the role of Pocahontas would be. ''And as their leader, in the secondary but still compellingly written role of Pocahontas. Guess who we have in mind? Our own little h/c outcast, Y/n Addams!!'' (The reason why her last name is Addams is because, since the Addams had took Y/n in, it would mean she is legally part of the family. If that makes sense. IT IS NOT STEP-CEST SO DON'T ASK OR SAY ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS. Thank you)

Wednesday and Y/n poked their heads up over the bleachers with wide eyes in shock.


Again sorry it's short but hope you enjoyed anyway cause more chapter will be coming today. and hopefully I finish this book tonight or tomorrow, you never know.

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