The Rehearsal

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3rd POV

Beck and Gary were rehearsing a song and dance for the play.

''Happy, happy Turkey Day! Hunger pains will go away! When you hear the pilgrims say it's Happy Turkey Day!''

''Happy Happy Turkey day! Let's all eat the Indian way! On Bastille and Cape Cod Bay on Happy Turkey Day!''

Becky had gasped and walked over to Amanda who was wearing her pilgrim outfit. ''Look at you! Oh Amanda, you look perfect! You're just the prettiest pilgrim I've ever seen! Gar, come and take a look at this!'' Becky gushed. ''Here they are.'' ''We caught them by the pay phone.'' A couple of campers approached the stage with Wednesday, Pugsley, Y/n and Joel in tow.

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''We were calling the FBI.'' Wednesday said. ''It's an emergency.'' Y/n said next. ''Their Uncle is in trouble, we were running check.'' Joel defended.

''And you are late for fittings!'' Becky scolded not listening to them. ''I don't want to be in a pageant.'' Y/n revealed. ''But we need you to be Pocahantas! And Joel is your betrothed, Running Bear!'' Gary said.

Wednesday tensed up, Joel tensed as well, and Y/n glared with wide eyes. ''Why can't Wednesday be my betrothed, he is already my boyfriend.'' Y/n argued not liking the stupid idea.

''Well, I thought Joel would be a more suitable love interest since you both have a passion for reading, than you and Wednesday. But don't worry, he'll still be in the play as one of your Chippewa followers.'' Gary explained. ''Don't you want to help me realize my vision?'' He asked.

''Your work is puerile and under-dramatized. You lack any sense of structure, character, or the Aristotelian Unities. I am not going to be apart of a play that makes me a spouse of someone that not Wednesday and that is finale.'' Y/n said as Wednesday wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him, as he smirked at her words.

Gary did not like that.....


The four were back at the Harmony Hut as Becky and Gary were pulling out some movies. ''Yes in deedy, just the ticket. Bambi!'' Gary showed them. ''Lassie Come Home!'' ''The Little Mermaid!''

''Stop it.'' Wednesday snapped putting his head in Y/ns shoulder along with Pugsley. ''You're upsetting them.'' Y/n also snapped putting her hands on the boys ears that weren't covered.

Gary turned and put the VHS tape in. ''Don't worry mon corbeau. We will get out of here.'' Wednesday reassured Y/n. ''But............ It's Disney..' Y/n shivered. Wednesday pulled Y/n to sit in his lap as he prepared for what was about to happen.


It was now nighttime. They had spent all night watching Disney movies, well, Pugsley and Joel did. Wednesday and Y/n just made out half of the time.

Eventually they exited the Harmony Hut and were greeted with the sight of Becky, Gary, and Amanda standing in front of them with a bunch of campers standing behind them.

''Well, good evening.'' Gary greeted. ''Is there anything you would like to say to everyone?''

''Yes.'' Wednesday answered. ''And just what might that be?'' Becky asked. Wednesday stepped forward. ''I'm not perky.'' Amanda scoffed. ''That's for damn sure.''

''But I wanna be.'' Wednesday continued. ''You do?'' Gary asked skeptically. ''I wanna smile, and sing, and dance, and participate in Gary's vision.'' He confessed. ''Oh darling, do you really mean it?'' Becky asked happily.

Wednesday grimaced before he furrowed his brows and his mouth started twitching. Gary and Becky looked surprised at what was about to happen. Wednesday struggled a little more, trying to get his lips to turn up. Amanda was confused and was a little grossed out.

Eventually, Wednesday managed to pull a complete smile, teeth and all, eyes wide which made him look creepy. All the campers gasped and took a step away from him in fear as Amanda clung to Becky who was unfased, along with Gary.


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