My Thoughts On Bullying

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When a person bullies someone, they're doing it, cause they think its funny. They also bully someone, cause it makes them feel better about themselves. But you know what? Its not okay! Its never okay to bully someone! When a person is bullied, they're afraid of coming to school! So many people took their own lives, because no one stood up to the bully, or the victim didn't get the help they needed! Let me say something! Bullying doesn't make you look cool! It only makes you look stupid! What do people gain out of bullying? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! There needs to be action! And, cyberbullying is getting worse too! People hiding behind a computer screen, and calling their victim names like fatty, loser, stupid, and ugly! Bullying is disgusting, and I am highly against it! We gotta take a stand against bullying! If you see someone getting bullied, tell an adult, or teacher! Not that hard! There's nothing worse than being a bystander! Bullying has no home in this society!

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