So Many People Have Left Wattpad

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So many people have been bullied on here, and nothing ever gets done about it. These users create hate accounts and write hate books about a certain individual. Yet, they know nothing about them. People have also been bullied on their stories. Haters would say how their stories are stupid, no one would ever read their trash. If you want to attack someone on their story, then get the heck off this app! Bullying is not welcome here! Get lost! And so many people have left Wattpad, cause the bullying spiraled out of control! To the bullies out there, if you want to keep going down this path, prison time awaits you! I promise you that! Not only will bullying get you kicked off this app, but you'll also be serving time in prison! No matter what social media app you're on, I don't care if its Snapchat, Whatsapp, or Instagram, bullying is not tolerated! Think about your actions! This will haunt you for the rest of your life!

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