Racist People On Wattpad

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Another thing that needs to be addressed is racism. There are haters that call a certain individual a racist slur like the N word. I'm black, and I been called the N word a lot. Just last year, some girl was going around saying hateful things about black people, and then joking about it. How can you joke about being racist? The girl was white, and she posted something about black people being apes! Why does poc have to be picked on? Honestly! Racism and bullying have no place here! Why should someone be judged by the color of their skin? It doesn't matter if you're black, brown, or yellow, we are all equal! Hater posting racist rants on their board targeted towards a certain ethnic group is frowned upon! And there was another user hating on people from India! Just stop it! Racism has no home here! Its not allowed! Not now! Not ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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