Chapter 1: A Disc and an odd Stranger

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Tails laid in his warm, comfy bed as sunlight slowly began to creep its way into his room through the blinds. The softness of the blankets and puffiness of the pillows only further added to his sleepy trance. His fur was puffy and raggedy but it mattered little to him as he lightly purred from the coziness. the yellow fox was at peace; he had had a long night of repairing old gadgets so he saw nothing wrong in sleeping in a little lon-


Tails' ears immediately perked up as his half-opened eyes fully widened with a deadpan expression. Sounds of metal clashes and thunder echoed from downstairs and up into his room.

"Argh..... we talked about this Soniiiiiiiic......" he groaned to himself, eventually finding the willpower to slouch off the bed and limp his way downstairs. As he expected, Sonic was playing God of War early in the morning as usual.... without headphones.... again.


"AHH!" Sonic jumped up from the couch, dropping his controller to the carpeted floor.

"Dude! It's like six in the morning!" Tails angrily yelled, "and I know you have several pairs of headphones and earbuds that I gave you!"

Sonic took a short moment to catch his breath, "Oh yeah... sorry little buddy! You know how much I prefer it when the sound comes out from the speakers!" He defended as he raised his hands in a light-hearted gesture with a weak smile.

The little fox uttered a tiny growl as he tightened his pawed fists.

"I...." Sonic paused then sighed, walking over to and softly patting his friend on his still puffy head. "look, I really am sorry okay? Sometimes I just get so excited and don't remember that there's other people in here."

Tails still kept up his frowning expression, trying his best to stay mad at the blue hedgehog.

"Awww come on! Now you're just faking it!" He playfully teased, going for one of the fox's weak spots and scratching behind his ears.

"H-Hey! N-No I'm.... not...." His words slowed into muffled noises as he began purring and nuzzling into Sonic's gentle touch.

"come onnnnnnnn~" Sonic grinned

"I.... okay fine! You win!" Tails giggled, pushing away Sonic's glove. "Just try to remember next time, okay? "

Sonic responded with a wink and a thumbs-up before going back to his game at lightning speed, making sure to take a quick stop at his room to grab a pair of headphones of course.

Tails went back upstairs and tidied himself up, showering, brushing his hair, cleaning his canines, and putting on a new pair of gloves and shoes, the usual everyday morning routine for your average two-tailed fox.

He fixed himself a quick bowl of cereal as he wanted to get back to working on his tools and gadgets as soon as he could, that was until he heard a knock at the door. He set his bowl aside and walked towards the doorstep, knowing Sonic was too preoccupied with fighting Thor to hear anything.

He looked outside after opening, expecting a deliveryman to greet him yet no one was there except for the sounds of an engine blitzing away followed by a trail of smoke. Confused, Tails took a step forward but quickly stopped after feeling something hit his shoe, looking down, there appeared to be a package with a note on it placed on the welcome mat.

"Who left this here?" The fox questioned, picking up the little box as he began reading the note.

"To whoever is unlucky enough to read this...

Firstly I must say I am sorry for picking you.Secondly, Destroy the disk right away.I'm not sure who or what is in this thing but it's evil.I played the disk once and now I keep getting headaches and nightmares of a girl and a purple hedgehog.I tried breaking, shooting, hell, even blowing it up myself but I just can't, it's like I'm being forced to keep it unharmed.

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