Chapter 2: Informal Greetings and Playful Mischief

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The void was desolate and cold as it always was. Only the faint sounds of wind passed by now and then, adding to the dreadful atmosphere the space provided. However, none were ever there to experience it save for a slight few people, the newest addition now including a screaming fox who was falling through the air.

Tails kicked and turned as he felt himself being dragged by gravity's forces to the seemingly endless depth below him. Still tied by the red strands, the flailing fox could not fly or even scream for help, despite the fact his wails would be unheard.

Suddenly, he came to a complete stop in his descent, appearing to hover just above where the ground would be.

"(Is it....over?-)" he thought before his levitation ceased as he abruptly dropped to the floor.


"........owwwwwwww...." Tails semi-painfully groaned; the strand around his muzzle loosened enough for him to finally be able to speak.

"Where even am I?" he huffed, taking a moment to compose himself as his adrenaline faded, leaving him feeling quite fatigued. At the same time, the acid in his muscles from all the kicking and moving began subsiding.

"Hiya!-" "AHHHHHH" an echoey female voice greeted Tails from behind as the startled fox screamed.

"Who are!- ....wait, g-get away from me!" the yellow fox yelped as he turned, recognizing the same purple Sonic from earlier; he inched away from her as best he could but the strands limited how much space his limbs could cover.

"Awwww, there's no need for that!" She teased, snapping her fingers as the world around the two flashed, causing Tails to spontaneously appear right in front of her. His body was completely frozen, unable to move save for his face.

"There we go, I'm more used to talking to others like this. Anyways.... Hi! My name's Sarah," she playfully offered her hand, fully aware of what she was doing while Tails awkwardly yet anxiously stared.

"Hmmm... too shy to shake a girl's hand, huh?"

"!!!! N-No!" He lightly blushed, although it was more out of slight anger than anything else, "I can't move my body!"

"oh right, my bad~" Sarah deviously giggled, pulling back the strands from the fox's body, causing him to lightly tremble to the floor as he slowly grew accustomed again to the feeling of freely moving his once restrained legs and arms

"Need a hand?" the hedgehog gestured to her reached-out palm. Tails cautiously eyed her glove and then back to Sarah, unsure of exactly what to do; could he make a run for it? Where would he go? What did this stranger even want with him? And why does she look so much like Sonic?

Not seeing many choices, he raised his hand but shortly paused, looking into Sarah's red, expecting eyes. She took notice of his hesitation and simply gestured to her hand once again, giving as many signals as she could to show she didn't mean any harm.

The yellow fox sighed, his ears lightly flopped down before he grabbed Sarah's hand. She abruptly hoisted and picked him up with little effort, his snout rested perfectly atop her soft, plush breasts, prompting the fox to blush even deeper while looking up at her with a flustered expression.

"Wow, didn't think it'd be this easy to pick you up! Then again, you are pretty small," she chuckled much to Tails' blushing expense.

"I-I....grrrrrr... what's the meaning of this!? Why did you bring me here!?" Tails growled, starting to become annoyed by Sarah's antics. He made his best efforts to squirm out of her grasp but the hedgehog held on tight.

"Aww, trying to fight back now, are we? Well you see, little foxy, the last people I've had in here are... gone, and you remind me of a friend I once had.... I even made him look like you, you know?" she looked off to the side, seemingly a bit mournful.

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