Chapter 3: Getting to Know Each Other a Bit Better... or A Lot

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The environment of the warm-colored house was a much more welcoming sight to the vast, seemingly endless, emptiness and bitter cold of the void. Even the little parts that would usually go unnoticed such as the clear air and calming smell were far more pleasant to breathe in.

"Here's the place!" Sarah happily announced to Tails, excited to finally have company after so long!... and to show off the house a bit; she did take much pride in constructing it after all.

"You made all of this?" The fox questioned, finding himself genuinely impressed with the design and overall structure of the interior, not expecting much out of Sarah's creative talent.

"Yep! Took a little while to get the hang of mixing and creating code but I think I did a good job," the hedgehog proudly smirked, "now, you just sit here and I'll go and fetch us some blankets," Sarah placed Tails on a nearby couch, leaving the fox alone for a short moment. The chair was surprisingly soft, Tails couldn't help but let himself sink into the cushions, never fully realizing just how tired his body was before this moment, yawning over and over with each stretch of his limbs upon the cozy fabric. Despite the pleasant sensations, the deathly cold of the void still remained in the room even after the portal was closed off. As a result of the lingering chill, he began to shake as his body attempted to keep him warm.

Sarah returned to the sight of a shivering little fox lying down, covering himself with his two tails to ward off the frosty temperature as best he could. "Awww, I'm sorry Tails, I forgot how easy it was to freeze up in that place. don't worry little guy, I'll get you nice and warmed up," the hedgehog gently cooed, picking up the fox and placing him on her lap, wrapping several blankets around the two.

"...D-Do I have to be so.. c-close to you?" He sheepishly muttered with a light blush as his ears flopped down, still not used to being so close to a girl, especially one as curvy as the female hedgehog.

"Of course you do! A little foxy boy like you should always be warm and cozy~" Sarah grinned, hugging him tight as she brought him close to her fluffy chest, her soft fur pleasantly brushing against his.

"See? Isn't this much better?"


"Then stop ya whining!" She playfully licked his fuzzy cheek; ironically, the little fox silently whimpered from her unexpected act.

"H-Hey!" He brightly blushed, looking rather flustered at the smug hedgehog.

"Dawwww, is the wittle foxy woxy angy with mean ol' Sarah~?" She purred, snuggling him up extra tight.

"I-I.... grrrrrrr....." Tails huffed and looked away, refusing to even glance at her.

"....okay, okay," Sarah sighed, begrudgingly loosening her grip to give Tails some more room to breathe. She took a moment to rub his cheek with tender care; her orange glove was surprisingly soft to the touch.

The little fox couldn't help but show a tiny smile; he was never one to say no to cuddles after all.

"Alright, now that I have you wrapped as a cute fox burrito, you got any questions for me?" the hedgehog inquired.

"yeah! I just um.... don't know where to start," Tails nervously chuckled, "....How about you getting stuck in here? I remember you saying you were trapped on the tv screen, oh! And what happened between you and your friends? You sounded really... really angry with them."

Sarah paused for a brief moment, her eyes shaking slightly while gazing off to the side, seeming to convey a sense of sorrow and bitter hatred when the question was brought up. Her grip on the fox tightened as her body shook; she was not taking out her anger on him, rather, she found comfort in holding him close as memories of her past kept flashing over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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