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Prepare yourself for really bad smut children

Luke and Michael claimed to be in love. They were young and stupid and decided that they were definitely in love, when really they didn't actually know what love was, but hey, wasn't that what teenage years were about.

Neither had experienced love before or heartbreak or tragedy, and they assumed what they had was as good as it got. They were sure that it was love, even if maybe it wasn't.

How'd they get together, you ask? Well they started off as friend, just as any other sexually ambiguous couple does, apparently. Then there was just casual friend kissing, ya know, kiss on the cheek goodbye, neck kisses, one or two totally accidental love bites.

But small kisses turned into make out sessions and one love bite turned into several, and they were messy and sloppy, inexperienced and stupid, but that was first love, surely?

Neither of them had come out in school, both for similar reasons. Everyone's seen it, the kids that got bullied to the point of suicide because of the type of person they loved. Well, Michael didn't want that to happen to Luke ever, he was a fragile boy and Michael wanted to keep him safe. Luke just wasn't ready. That's what he had decided.

They tried not to speak at school, no matter how much Michael wanted to talk to Luke and kiss his dumb face and make everything better, they had to pretend the other didn't exist just so they don't get caught. It was pretty difficult hanging with a group of different friends instead of Luke every day.

Maybe Michael was a little scared, of people finding out. He worried about it most days, even when it's just Luke and him alone away from school, he's worried that someone might see, he's scared of the consequences. He's scared for himself. He doesn't tell Luke these things though, because he doesn't want Luke to think he doesn't trust him, because he does. It's his own thoughts that are the problem.

Michael and Luke were alone in Michael's room, his parents gone for the weekend, leaving them completely alone, together that is. That's what Michael was thinking as he kissed Luke's dumb pale lips and straddled his thin hips.

"I love you," Luke murmured, and Michael hummed in reply, something incoherent which Luke just took as 'I love you' back, it was good enough. Maybe.

Michael traced his fingers under Luke's shirt, whilst Luke pulled his fingers through Michael's thick blonde hair, and Michael released himself from Luke's lips, pulling at the hem of Luke's shirt,"Can I, um, take this off, please," Michael asked, a small blush rising to his cheeks at the request, and it seemed the same had happened with Luke.

Luke nodded however, and Michael grinned, pulling it over Luke's head and throwing it on the floor. Michael did the same with his shirt when seeing how awkward Luke looked just then, and then he pressed his lips back to Luke's whilst Luke ran his hands up and down Michael's back.

Michael wasn't sure what he was doing exactly when he ground down experimentally onto Luke, but both him and Luke let out loud moans at the sensation, so Michael did it again and again, both boys already a mess of moans.

Michael hastily undid Luke's belt, dragging down his jeans and boxers as well as his own and pushing them onto the floor as well. And then Michael was a little stumped. The only dick he'd seen in real life was his own, and though he liked to think of himself as the masterbater, seeing another dick, erect and waiting had Michael unsure.

Shrugging, Michael wrapped a hand around Luke's cock, pumping it, first slowly, but gradually increasing speed. Luke seemed to like it by the way his hips were jerking forwards in momentum with his hand, and Michael smiled.

"Imma try something," Michael murmured, taking away his hand, and replacing it with his mouth, swiping his tongue from base to tip, and licking away the precum, before slowly sliding Luke's dick into his mouth.

He didn't get very far until he was gagging slightly, so he brought himself back up, and repeated the action, pinning Luke's hips down with his hands to stop them bucking upwards, like he knew would happen if he let them go.

Michael was pretty sure Luke was close now, by the way he twitched underneath Michael, and Michael smiled at his moans, which were increasing and getting louder consistently. Michael's stopped suddenly though, lifting himself off slowly.

"Hang on a sec," he murmured, voice rough and scratchy suddenly, and Luke whined at the sudden coldness and loss of contact, and Michael smiled, kissing his lips briefly, before reaching down into a draw,"Don't ask," he said, as he produced a bottle of lube.

Luke saw the bottle and moaned slowly, as if he was already being fucked,"You want this right?" Michael asked, once again unsure of himself, but the way Luke nodded, maybe over enthusiastically, gave Michael the encouragement he need to carry on.

Push his sweat ridden fringe back, he slathered lube onto his fingers, before leaning down over Luke and slowly pushing one finger in.

Luke's fingers dug into Michael's back harshly, and Michael shakily looked at him, scared that he was hurting Luke,"Baby, are you alright?" he asked nervously, and Luke nodded slowly.

"Yeah, yeah, just, move slow. Okay?" he hissed, words cut up and disorientated and Michael nodded, adjusting himself so he was hovering over Luke, and pushing his lips onto Luke's already open mouth, as Michael pulled his finger out, feeling Luke wince against his lips.

Michael repeated the action a couple more times, before slowly adding a second finger, resting on his elbows as he used his other hand to tug at Luke's dick again, slow like the movements with his fingers, and he could feel Luke tense around him, and he knew he wasn't going to last long.

"You're so tight, Luke," Michael moaned against Luke's neck as he kissed a trail down, but Luke wasn't able to reply, probably too fucked out to even be able to hear what Michael was saying, which was okay.

They moved into a steady rhythm, two fingers moving in time with Luke's hips which bucked into Michael's hand, and Luke's breath was shaky as Michael bit large areas of his neck,"Imma come Michael," Luke chocked out, and Michael smiled.

"Go ahead, baby," he replied, and suddenly Luke's fingers were sliding through Michael's hair and down his back, a slew of curse words Michael didn't think Luke would ever say spitting out from his mouth, and Michael moaned along with Luke.

Michael knew that he would cum at any touch of himself, so instead of embarrassing himself in front of Luke, he jerked himself a couple of times, before he was coming, head pressed into Luke's neck and breathing thickly.

"I love you," Luke whispered, five minutes later.

"I love you too."

Double update sweet

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