This is Nice...

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Ok, I'm pretty sure I can make a decently long chapter since I have nothing better to do and I have a long weekend so, Enjoy!!

No One's POV:

"Leileiiiiii!~" Loui grinned seemingly already tipsy "Oh! Louis hello!" The redhead snickered immediately sitting next to him. "so glad your hereeee" the male dragged out his words, leaning against her "Are you now?" she hummed, allowing him to lay against her while she leaned back against the couch so they were comfortable "mhmm...These guys been annoying me about where you wereee" he sighed basking in the perfume Leilani wore "us? you were the one crying for her!" A female voice exclaimed from the other sofa making Leilani glance over "Oh sorry. I'm Kasey" the female with forest green hair "This is Harvey, Roger, and Rylan" She pointed to 3 males as she called names. Harvey lays with his head in Kasey's lap, Roger leaned against her shoulder, and Rylen who was standing seemed to be making sure the boys didn't do anything stupid.

"Oh. I'm..Leilani, you probably know that-" The redhead glanced over the group. "Those two are..comfortable?" She laughed, Kasey hummed, and ran her hand through Harvey's hair "Abit yea. they were drinking a lot before you got here Juuuuuuust give them a moment they'll be up and drinking again." "Alcoholics?" "No no..Well, I hope not-" Kasey sighed looking over to Louis. "He seems to be clinging to you, how long has it been since you've known him?" She questioned "About 3 or 4 weeks now..? I'm not great with keeping track of things, Rai normally helps me" Lei pointed her thumb to her sister who talked to Victor in the kitchen "Ah, you live with her?" "Yea. She's the only family I have left..". 

Kasey frowned at Leilani's response "Well, you have us now. Just think of us as your family" She changed her frown to a smile before looking at Rylen "Sit down, the boys won't do anything" She pouted and patted the empty space next to roger "Your legs much be aching" Reluctantly Rylen eventually did sit down. Lei smiled, watching this unfold Kasey seemed to keep the peace but it wasn't hard to tell she caused a bit of trouble from time to time but she and Rylen seemed to be the only two sober when she walked inside "So. how long have you known them?" Lei moved Loui so he laid back comfortably even though he complained. "A few months now! I met Harvey and Roger first. A club, honestly it was a great night.." Kasey bit her lip, thinking "wow ok! no details!!" Lei laughed nervously, a light blush covering her face "Oh. Oh no! we didn't do that! we just had a fun time dancing and such. I did make sure they had a good time with some friends though" 

"No Details!!!" Lei hid her face embarrassed. "Ok ok..I'll stop" Kasey giggled "Thank you." Lei sighed "God, so much noise.." Harvey sat up from Kasey's lap and took a moment to take in his surroundings before acknowledging Lei "oh hey! I'm Harvey!" his tired expression quickly melted into an energetic one "I know, Kasey already mentioned you and Roger" Lei smiled softly "Oh." He pouted "Well thank you Kas, but I got this" "That's the girl Louis has been head over heels over, you can't try anything" Kasey shook her head "..God dammit-" Harvey groaned, picking up a cup from the coffee table and quickly drank from it "that wasn't-" "It'll be alright" He leaned back into the sofa. Eventually, after a bit of talking Loui finally sobered up a bit, Rai and Victor walked back from the kitchen, Victor's hair a slight mess and lips semi-swollen while Rai seemed to be in great shape besides her own lips being swollen as well "what'd you do.." Lei looked them over surprised "A small make-out session" The Rai admitted shamelessly as she sat with her sister "Lucky-" Harvey pouted slightly, making some of the others laugh "yuck-" Lei pretended to gag

"Hey! at least we actually did something besides sitting at talking!" Rai huffed "You did sit and talk. I just don't know when you guys ended up kissing..." Lei rolled her eyes "Victor's getting some tonight?" Roger grinned, clapping "Jesus-" Victor groaned, melting into his seat "you're not listening-" he glared at roger. Loui chuckled, going to whisper in Lei's ear "Think your sister did something to him. he's never this nervous about that." He pulled away from her and leaned back again, crossing his arms "Oh wow. no one here is in a committed relationship? or has been?" Lei questioned the group "No, not exactly." Louis shrugged "Whores" Rai snickered "you just made out with my best friend in the kitchen. What's your excuse?" Loui poked at Rai "We were flirting" She shrugged "well the first one who'll probably get into a committed relationship is most likely Louis" Harvey pointed to Louis then Leilani "And you. hopefully together. I'm sure your aware of his 'school girl' crush on you" Harvey chuckled "Very much so yes." Lei shook her head, smiling taking in the news 

The group moved past the subject, continuing to talk and bring up old stories. 
'This is Nice...I like this' Lei thought while she watched the boys tease and bully each other without a care in the world 'Maybe this could be my family' She sighed contently, smiling. 

FINALLY. FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINALLY. I still don't feel good but! I'm not gonna give up I said! high chance I wrote out this chapter but I'm saving it for Tuesday..and it's Sunday right now..
I started writing Thursday since I didn't have school because of a winter storm we had. wasn't bad but I'm glad school was canceled because, GOD. I HATE SNOW SO MUCH..anyways! I hope you enjoyed it.
 sorry if anything is missing or miss spelled. I've been forcing myself to finish this since 10 am. and the only paragraph I had done was the first. Sounds dumb but I was struggling. Sorry for randomly bringing in more characters out of nowhere, at least you had a build-up {?} chapter. God, I need more sleep...

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