Give Me A Chance

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Weeks later, Wonwoo left the bookstore with a new arrival novel on his hand. It's kind of cute to see Wonwoo to be so incredibly happy just because he managed to buy the novel he had been waiting for after months. He just couldn't wait to arrive at home, prepare tea and cookies, and start reading the novel. Or, should he pay a visit at nearby café and sit on the table in secluded corner? That would be nice, too!

Just as Wonwoo busy thinking about his plan to spend his day, someone bumped into him until he lost his grip on his newly bought novel and dropped it onto the ground with a loud thud. Wonwoo gasped and quickly bent down to save the novel, patting it gently to clean the dust off it. Thank God he still hadn't rip the plastic sleeve. He stood up and he was ready to scold at the person who bumped into him, but he stopped when he saw who it is. "Mingyu?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't look– Wonwoo hyung?" Mingyu was quite surprised to see it's Wonwoo who he bumped into just now.

"Why are you in rush? Something happened?" Wonwoo asked in curiosity as he could see Mingyu's face filled with mix of angry, grief and disappointment, and he couldn't stop fidgeting, like he's trying to run away from there as soon as possible.

"N–No, it's nothing. I'll tell you later, so excuse me–" Mingyu really looked like he's avoiding something, or someone. What was he running away from, exactly? But soon, Wonwoo knew the answer of it.


A voice could be heard from Mingyu's back and Mingyu flinched when he heard that voice, soon his face turned into a grimace. Wonwoo peeked over Mingyu's tall shoulder and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Yoon Jeonghan, standing not far from them.

Now Wonwoo knew why Mingyu really needed to run away just now. Jeonghwan was not alone. Standing next to him, with their hands both intertwined together, should be his new boyfriend. The person and also the reason why Jeonghan decided to broke up with Mingyu, it's Choi Seungcheol.

"Ah... Wonwoo? You're here too? What are you two doing here?" Jeonghan asked with a smile.

"Nothing. We just happened to bumped into each other." Wonwoo simply explained.

"Oh I see..." Jeonghan nodded, before his eyes made its way to Mingyu's back, who just stood still and didn't bother to turn to face Jeonghan. "How do you do, Gyu?"

"Who are they, baby?" Seungcheol asked, looking at Wonwoo and Mingyu back and forth. Mingyu gritted his teeth and clenching his fist tight when Seungcheol called his Jeonghan 'baby'. Yes, Mingyu still called Jeonghan his. His beloved Jeonghan who he still has feelings with, who he still couldn't get over with, who he still wished to get back together with him. So hearing someone called his Jeonghan with intimate nickname by someone else caused anger to starting boiling inside Mingyu.

"They are–"

"Let's go, Wonwoo hyung." Mingyu didn't bother to wait until Jeonghan finished introducing them to Seungcheol, and he grabbed Wonwoo's hand and quickly pulled him along, leaving the place as fast as possible.

Jeonghan didn't stop them because he knew Mingyu still couldn't get over him until now. He just sent their retreating back an apologetic smile and silently sighed inside his heart. 'I'm sorry, Mingyu. I hope you can move on soon.'


Wonwoo could do nothing but to let Mingyu dragged him back to the latter's house along with his furious steps. Wonwoo's wrist was getting hurt as Mingyu grabbed it too tight, but Wonwoo just kept silent as he didn't dare to say anything to furious Mingyu.

When they arrived inside Mingyu's bedroom, Wonwoo's hiss of pain finally snapped Mingyu out of his trance. Mingyu gaped in shock because he didn't realize he had been dragging Wonwoo until now and he quickly released his bruised wrist. "Sorry, hyung..."

Wonwoo just shook his head a bit and let out an understanding smile. Mingyu smiled at him back before he slumped down on his bed, covering his eyes with his sleeve and let out a deep sigh.

Wonwoo pondering if he should just leave or stay with Mingyu. But he went with the second one as he settled himself next to Mingyu, caressing the latter's black hair softly.

"What should I do, hyung? It's been weeks after we broke up, but I still couldn't get over Jeonghan hyung. What's make it worse, Jeonghan hyung looks so happy with his new boyfriend." Mingyu opened his mouth after minutes of silence, depression was evident in his voice.

"Give your heart some time, Gyu. I'm sure you can get over this, soon. And one day, you too, will find another happiness with your new love." Wonwoo said, still caressing Mingyu's hair.

"Will there be someone who will love me sincerely and forever? Will there be someone who could make me get over Jeonghan hyung? Will there be someone who could make me love him more than Jeonghan hyung?" Mingyu mumbled, silently enjoying Wonwoo's caress on his hair.

"I'm sure there is someone in this world specially existed only for you, Gyu."

"If you say so, then can you find me that someone for me? I'm so tired of this situation and I'm not even sure there is someone like that exist for me."

Wonwoo bit his lips. "It's me..."

What Wonwoo said totally surprised Mingyu. The latter quickly propped himself up on his elbows and he turned his head to look at Wonwoo. "What!?"

"You might not know this, but I have love you from the first time we met and I still do now. I have showed you some signs but you never realized it because you're already fallen for Jeonghan hyung." Wonwoo slowly explained, eyes staring straight at Mingyu's. "I can help you to get over Jeonghan hyung, because I love you so much Gyu. I love you more than everything in this world."


"Please, give me a chance. I know that you are still in love with Jeonghan hyung, but I will try to make you fall for me, more than you do to Jeonghan hyung." Wonwoo said to Mingyu, whose eyes got bigger at the sudden statement. Wonwoo himself also didn't know where the hell he got the courage to suddenly confess to Mingyu.

Mingyu didn't say anything at all. His mouth kept shut and his eyes looking everywhere but Wonwoo. Wonwoo felt like Mingyu is going to reject him, and now he's panicking inside his heart and also embarrassed at the same time.

"I–I'm sorry. Just forget things I have said." Wonwoo quickly said and Mingyu's eyes finally back on him again, and that made him more nervous. "I–I think I'll get going."

Wonwoo was about to get down from the bed, but Mingyu didn't let him go of course. Mingyu quickly grabbed Wonwoo's waist and back–hugged him. Mingyu snuggled his head on Wonwoo's neck and Wonwoo gasped at the sudden intimate act.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo turned his head to look at Mingyu and the latter quickly took this chance to capture his lips. Wonwoo's eyes got widen when Mingyu's lips suddenly pressed against his, totally didn't expect that to come.

Mingyu nipped on Wonwoo's lips and the older one quickly adjusted the feeling before he finally responded the kiss. Then they ravished each other's lips non–stop. They broke the kiss once a while to catch some breath before one of them initiated to start kissing again.


Wonwoo thought, after he gave up his first kiss to Mingyu, and when Mingyu finally decided to give Wonwoo's heart a chance, he finally got a happy end for his feeling. But apparently, Wonwoo was wrong.

Regret Always Comes Late [ Mingyu x Wonwoo / Meanie / Minwon ]Where stories live. Discover now