Give Me Another Chance

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When Mingyu arrived in front of Wonwoo's door, he bent his body down and pressed his palm on his knees, trying to catch his breath. It really has been a while since he ran so much like that. Mingyu took a deep breath, when he felt his breath finally steady. He gathered some courage in his self and moved his hand to knock the door.

Just before his knuckles touched the doorframe, the door suddenly swung open, revealing the owner of the house standing behind it.

"M–Mingyu?" Wonwoo gasped in surprise, couldn't believe his own eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Err... It's..." Mingyu rubbed the back of his head nervously. It felt like cat gotten his tongue as he couldn't think of anything to say. "W–Wonwoo hyung, I–"

"Who's that?"

Mingyu frowned when he could hear another sound from Wonwoo's back. Wonwoo looked at his back and stepped aside a bit, revealing the owner of the voice.

"Joshua?" Mingyu called, a little bit surprise to see his best friend in Wonwoo's house.

"Oh, for God's sake, it's you, Kim Mingyu." Joshua scoffed. "What the fuck are you doing here? How dare you to show your face again after everything you have done and said to Wonwoo!? Are you going to pick up the shattered pieces, fix it back and then break it again!?" Joshua said sarcasticly and of course Mingyu was totally taken aback with it for as he knew, Joshua was a calm person who would never say such words like that.

But then, Mingyu couldn't blame Joshua for saying those insulting words.

"Shua hyung, stop it." Wonwoo elbowed Joshua's body softly, avoiding Mingyu's eyes.

"What? It's the truth. I can't believe he has some guts to show himself in front of you again after all those things he have done. Who does he think he is?" Joshua sent some hateful looks to Mingyu and he was ready to give some lessons for him if not for Wonwoo to prevent it.

"Please, stop it. Just go home." Wonwoo plead softly to Joshua, which of course the older boy wouldn't hear it.

"Are you insane? Do you think I will let you alone with this bastard? Who knows what going on his mind and what will he do to you this time!?"

"I come here because I want to have some talk with Wonwoo, that's all." Mingyu said, trying to get himself calm. "I won't do anything wrong to make him cry again now."

Wonwoo dared himself to look at Mingyu's eyes. And when he did, he could see something different from those dark orbs, but Wonwoo couldn't tell what it was.

"Just go, Shua hyung. I can take care of this." Wonwoo plead again, this time Joshua couldn't refuse when he saaw a full determination on Wonwoo's eyes. The older boy looked at Mingyu and Wonwoo back and forth. Then he sighed defeatedly.

"Fine. But call me if something happens okay? I will always be there for you." Joshua said and Wonwoo just nodded at it. Joshua let out a small smile before he ruffled Wonwoo's hair affectionately, which of course Mingyu didn't like the scene at all.

"If you ever hurt him, or make him cry again, I swear I'd make you pay for it." Sending the last killing glare to Mingyu, Joshua finally took his leave.


"Thanks." Mingyu mumbled as Wonwoo gave him a cup of warm chocolate. Mingyu sipped on it before he put it down on the coffee table in front of him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Wonwoo asked after he settled down on the couch across him.

"But first, I want to ask something. What was Joshua hyung doing here?"

Regret Always Comes Late [ Mingyu x Wonwoo / Meanie / Minwon ]Where stories live. Discover now