Tell me, you're just joking!!!

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When Mingyu arrived in Jeonghan's house, where the broken–hearted owner was waiting for him, he was surprised to see it's dark and empty inside the building. Mingyu called for his name, but there's no answer.

Mingyu then searched every corner in the house until it ended on Jeonghan's room, there he found his ex, sitting down on the floor with his back leaning on the bed, few empty bottles of soju abandoned in front of him and his hand was still grabbing a half–filled glass of soju.

"Hannie hyung, stop it!" Mingyu quickly rush to his side, holding his wrist tight to prevent Jeonghan to drink.

"Gyu...? *hic* Is that youuu...? *hic*" Jeonghan managed to say between his hiccups. Mingyu could smell the alcohol from Jeonghan's breath. "Why are you hereeee? *hic*"

"You asked me to come, remember?"

"Oh yes... *hic* I asked you to come, because *hic* I caught Seungcheol cheating with another man *hic*... Hahahaha..." Jeonghan faked a laugh and it didn't take long before tears slipped out from his eyes. He covered his mouth, trying to muffle his sobs. "He pretended he doesn't know me, then he walked away with his hands on that slutty man just like that! How could he do this to me!?"

"Sshhh Hannie dear, don't cry... I hate it when you cry like this..." Mingyu pulled Jeonghan into an embrace. He made a mental note to give Seungcheol some lessons later, how dare he made the person he cherished the most crying like this!? "Please don't cry anymore, I'm here for you, baby."

"Please... Stay with me, Mingyu..." Jeonghan sobbed weakly into Mingyu chest.

"I will. I won't leave you."


That night, Wonwoo decided to stay at Mingyu's place, waiting for his maybe–soon–to–be–ex lover to come home. But just like Wonwoo had expected, the latter didn't go home nor giving him call or message either. He must be staying in Jeonghan's house.

How Mingyu could did this to him? Was he really less important than Mingyu's ex?

The thought of that couldn't help but to make Wonwoo shed his tears for nth times already that day. He took Mingyu's pillow, hugging it tight and smelling his scent. It felt so hurt inside his chest, it felt like someone was grabbing and squeezing his heart so hard until it almost shattered to pieces.

"Why are you doing this to me...?" Wonwoo pressed his face onto the pillow, before he knew it, he was already screaming at the top of his lungs. His scream full of grief filling the whole house and he didn't care if his neighbors could hear him or not, he was too hurt to think about that anymore.

Wonwoo was crying for hours non–stop until the tiredness overcoming him and he cried himself to sleep. And that's how Mingyu found him on the next morning, he was surprised to see Wonwoo on his bed with a trace of dried tears in his cheeks. Mingyu felt guilty out of sudden, he remembered the last night scene and he cursed himself for treating Wonwoo so bad like that.

Mingyu knelt on the floor next to bed, he caressed Wonwoo's sleeping face softly before he let out an apologetic smile. No, he couldn't and he shouldn't hurt the older boy anymore.

He has to do something.

Wonwoo stirred in his sleep when he felt someone touching his face, he slowly opened his eyes and he shot it fully open when he saw Mingyu's figure in front of him. "Gyu? You're back...?"

Wonwoo propped himself up on his elbows and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Good morning. Have you eaten yet?" Wonwoo asked, with a smile on his face. It looked like he was trying to pretend there was nothing happened to both of them last night. But of course Mingyu knew the smile on his face is a fake one.

"Listen, Wonwoo hyung... There's something I need to tell you..." Mingyu said.

"What is it? Are you going to ask me 'let's break up'?" Wonwoo joked and laughed at his own joke. But he stopped laughing when Mingyu hung his head low and not answering. "You want us to break up...?"

Mingyu turned his head to the side, so he couldn't see another Wonwoo's hurt face. Wonwoo went pale suddenly. "No, you must be joking, right? Tell me you're just joking!!!" Wonwoo screamed in panic, holding Mingyu's shoulder tight and shook his body.

"I'm sorry... But maybe I can't completely fall in love with you, after all. There's only one person who can own my heart, and I think that person is Jeonghan hyung. I love him, I still love him, so much! And now, because he's alone and broken–hearted, he needs someone to comfort him and stay by his side, and I will do it. I want to be by Jeonghan hyung's side." Mingyu slowly explained, still not daring himself to look straight at Wonwoo's eyes. "So, let's just break up. After all, you're nothing compared to Jeonghan hyung."

With those words, Wonwoo's soul was almost flying out from his body. His world has been crushed. His heart had finally shattered into pieces. His grief was too severe this time until he could shed no more tears for Mingyu anymore. All he did was only loosening his grip on Mingyu's shoulder, letting him go and do nothing as Mingyu packed some of his things because he wanted to stay in Jeonghan's for a while.

Wonwoo just sitting still on his spot, not moving an inch and his face was blank. Mingyu sent one last glance to Wonwoo before he left the room, he himself couldn't tell what's written on Wonwoo's blank face. He inhaled a deep breath and he bid Wonwoo goodbye before he finally left the room, leaving Wonwoo alone.

'So I'm nothing at all... I put my whole effort to shower Mingyu with all my love, to make him happy and realize that I'm the one for him, but all I get at the end is this... There's no even a small place for me inside his heart... All he could think is Jeonghan hyung and Jeonghan hyung only... Such a fool person I am...'

'But still... I love him so much... After all these things he have done to me, why can't I just hate him...?'

"I wish you all the happiness together with Jeonghan hyung... I love you, Mingyu..." A small smile plastered on Wonwoo's face, he closed his eyes and a drop of tear flowing down on his face.


Regret Always Comes Late [ Mingyu x Wonwoo / Meanie / Minwon ]Where stories live. Discover now