terminal illness

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Scara is a mortal in the au btw

'Kazuha loved me. he loved me so much he wouldn't tell me a heartbreaking secret to me. he told me he was going on a trip to--wherever he was going. but after that week, it's been shitty for me. two weeks went by, he hadn't responded to my texts or calls. it was like he simply abandoned me. I feel so disgusted, thinking of anything that involved him liking someone else, but that wasn't the case at all. after that same week, I'm in a hospital in New York, holding my lover's hand as he guiltily told me that he had a terminal illness and didn't wanna tell me because he'd think I'd lose my shit, which case, it happened. my eyes filled with tears, up to the point where my vision went blurry because the tears started streaming down my face like a little stream of water going down the river. his doctor told me he isn't gonna last long, no fucking shit. I went back to the place I'm temporarily staying and I felt like I need to be with him for as long as I can, and I did. I spent my last Christmas and Valentines with him, and in March...you already know what happened.'

Scara finished his last diary entry with shaky writing. he checked the remaining pages--his last entry was the last thing he would ever write in his diary. to end the entry, he wrote, with tears dripping down onto the paper:

'This is my last.'

by now, the last page is almost drenched in tears, with his writing in the start, beautiful and posh. and at the end of his venting, very messy writing that looked like it was hastily and shakily written on the remaining space on the paper. he closed his diary, looking at the cover. a picture of Kazuha. this made him even more of a grieving mess. he banged his head onto the table and started covering his head out of misery and started crying.

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