Innocent ~ a Onedirection fan fiction

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"Full name?"

"Elizabeth huntington-smith"Yes that's me, I have a stupid, posh, 2 name second name

"and your age miss Huntington-smith"

"15" I say while rolling my eyes at the receptionist for pronouncing my name in a posh English accent. I HATE when people think I'm better than them, Im honestly not, it's just my family name.

"go take a seat in the waiting room" she said while flicking her shiny blonde hair behind her shoulder, I could tell she was one of them girls. A barbie.

I drag my bag a fat or what most people call a body over to my friends and slump myself onto the seat next to them. Sat beside me were my amigos, Tammy and Selena, we have called each other amigos ever since we took Spanish together, I know it's lame but we're kinda lame.

Suddenly are eyes were joined together as we gave the receptionist a glare, she started the war of eyes we just joined in on. She was looking down on us, I could tell, we get the look kinda a lot. I don't know why? Many people looked down on us because of the way we look, how superficial. Slipping inbetween the evil stares being thrown back and forth was a police officer.

My heart started to race. Palms sweaty. I looked at Selena and Tammys faces. No emotion what so ever. I should be used to this by now so why do I get into this state? I bet your wondering why is the silly cow so nervous that's because we're in a police station. Yes. Police station.

The polic man walked over to the slag behind the reception desk she handed him our files and because of my horrible luck my file was on top. He called out my name and I paced towards him, there was on,y one thing racing through my brain "be cool el, be cool" it was like it was on repetate, El is what every one calls me well most people think its my real name only a selected few knew my real name.

"Well El, this is becoming a common thing seeing you here" I then rembered who I was taking to officer Horan, he was friendly he had kind eyes, beautiful blonde hair and was never seen without a smile. Don't get me wrong he was a good looking guy just a bit too clean cut. I mean I'm 15 and I have a tatto, he's a few years older and has none, like seriously 0.

"officer Horan, great to see you how many times is it now?" I raise my voice at the end making my friends chuckle at my cheeky ness. "this is our 5th meeting now El" then he began to list my previous offences "1rst you broke the window of the local kebab shop, then you got brought in for underage drinking, 3rd time for possession of a weapon at school, then you got charged for vandalising the local tescos and now your here for setting a park bench on fire, I mean what did it ever do to you!"

I know, I know I set a park bench on fire, I don't know why I did it, probs beacuse I want to be just like Selena and Tammy, selena has 13 previous offences and Tammy has 16! My weak 5 were nothing compared to theirs, it not even half...

"It was giving me the evils" I try to be funny it failed he tried to reply but was to busy laughing at my weak attempt of a joke

"but in a serous does it really take three of you to set fire to a bench?"

I look at my accomplists, they both were smiling at me they could tell I was being sassy by the hand that I placed on my hips.

"how would you feel if one of your friends went out to commit a mindless act of vandalism and didn't invite you, you'd be gutted!" he laughed at me.

He rolled his eyes after his fit of laughter and opened his mouth to say " Now what am I going to do about you chavs?"

"CHAVVSS?" I scream at the top of my lungs. Okay so you can call my friends many things trouble makers, Hipsters, bitches, whores, scene kids... Wait we are actually a mix of all them things but you cannot call us chavs that's what we are defenetly not, never have I once wore a matching track suit or made my face so orange it looks like i have been spray painted with a can of orange plate that's what Chavy girls do. If finesh up my sentence by saying "we are not chavs defenetly not cha...." just when I was about to finesh my sentence the police station door swung open and it was my lest favourite people in the world, actually I hate them more than I hate chavs ( that's a lot) it was my parents...


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