Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Hey guys cliffhanger last chapter was. I bet you didn't expect that.

I know how this book ends, I have it planned out

The picture in the multimedia box is El talking to britany

I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway!

Love you guys more than ya know


I wake up. That's all I wanted. I'm alive.

I look around me, the white walls, blue chairs its a hospital

A nurse is towering over me

"hey El my names Kelly"

I smile at the lady who seemed nice. I look around i see a clock, I remember what I had to do today. Be in court. I try to tell the time but my visions blurred.

"what's the time"

"it's 1:30, you've not been out for to long"

Shit Ive misses court.

"I need to go" I start to pull my soar body out of bed.

"you can't"

I give up. I'm late. Harry's going to hate me. Hate me, I let him down and I promised.

"where's my mum"

"she's a court, she had to tell them what happened to you"

"I need to stretch my legs"

"your free to go on a walk if you wish" she smiles

I get up out bed , trying to move my numb limbs.

My legs have regained feeling after walking for 10 minutes.

I find a bench outside and sit on it.

I wonder if Louis okay, he's not going to be. Tammy would have lied by now. Shes a stupid whore. I'm so angry at her.

I wish she never called me. I wish Greig and Jack never gave my that drink I wish that I never got in the car.

I see britanny walking up to me

"el I'm scared"


"they're gonna get the police involved"

"they prob won't"

"but what if they do?"

"why don't you just imagine it never happened"

"how can I, have you seen Selena yet?"

"no, what's wrong with her?"

"she's in a coma, this is serous El, we were the lucky one"


I walk in to Selena's room.

There's one tiny bed in the middle of the room that looks a million times bigger because the wires coming in and out the devices she's attached to.

Even with all the cuts and bruises she still looks like an angle, my best friend in a coma because she was sticking up for me. She's brave and strong but I hope she has the strength To keep going. Just survive

I'm caught in deep though until "I've never seen her so lifeless"

I turn around and see the mystery voice was Grieg, he was in a wheel chair

"oh my sweet baby Jesus are you okay?"

"I'll be fine I just might never walk again"

"I'm sorry"

"why it's not your fault"

I just look at the floor, guilt is all i feel

"El, if me and Jack never tried anything then Selena wouldn't be like this"

"If I was you I would be furious someone done this to me"

"why El, there's no point. I'm just happy to have my life"

I smile at him and make an exit.

After endless corridors and dead ends I find my room, I walk in to see my dad sitting there

"what do you think your playing at young lady"

"I don't know dad"

"well maybe you should get a clue! Because sneacking out, taking drugs and getting in a car with someone who is not only drunk but has no license"

"I don't know why I did it dad, really just don't know"

I start to cry floods of tears, my dad starts to comfort me. He throws his arm around my shoulder

"come on El let's leave".

Me and my dad walk out of the hospital and go home


I lay in my bed staring at my walls just waiting for the news on the case. It's been hours since I arrived home and my mum still hasn't arrived back.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door, this is hopefully the moment I have been waiting on.

The door handle begins to rattle, it creaks open slightly exposing a strip of light flowing into my room

Then a body comes hurdling towards me hugging me in a tight embrace. I see it's tammy

"are you okay?" she imediently asks

"its Selena you should be worried about"

He bows her head "I know I heard"

"sorry to change subjects but hows Louis?"

"he got 6 months and he's not aloud to work with children again"

I can't believe this he's going to jail, he's fucking innocent. This is disgusting all because her lies

"all because your a selfish bitch and had to lie"

"don't take your anger out on me, I did what I had to do"

"no Tammy, what you had to do was tell the truth"

"I'm not going to sit here and listen to someone judging me, you've changed El, once you were my best friend. You went out and done anything you wanted and never cared about anyone else. Now, well now, your different helping others! Remember what you used to tell me every man for himself. There the reasons I loved you, there the reasons you were my best friend"

And with her mini speech she left. She left me room, but she also left me wondering who am I know.

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