The Man Himself

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In the distance, the faint rush of water could be heard. The grand chandeliers emitted an eerie glow, highlighting the faces sat at the long table. The table had room for 30 people at least, with short chairs. The few chairs on either side of the table got increasing larger, with the seat at the head of the table being largest.

The man at the head sat calmly, saying nothing and allowing himself to take in this sight. There was all but one person missing. A pop sounded and he sat upright in his chair, knowing that the noise signaled his time. The Deatheaters around him also rose, as the sound of footsteps slowly got louder. Blue hair became visible, and a smile spread across Rustilius' face. "Ah, Raindelia. Sit, my mistress, we must begin." Rustilius said with a smile.

"Yes, of course my Lord. My condolences for being so untimely." Raindelia replied, and sat at the seat to the left of Rustilius Sunstrider.

Lord Sunstrider waved his wand, dimming the lights around the room. He rose from his chair and started to strut along the table - raising his voice so all attendees could hear him. "Now. As Raindelia tells me, there has been wind of my activities. The staff and students of Hogwarts are suspicious of me, naturally. Magatha - you have been much too reckless. The fact you have been put on hold tells me you need to relax. Do nothing until I tell you otherwise - do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord." A witch in emerald green robes replied.

"Raindelia - you must be more wary with your activities within the castle. Walking across the grounds with no cover is ridiculous." Rustilius continued.

"Dantriomir. In Durmstrang I believe you are fine, your school has always been most suspicious. To the rest of you - I do not want people catching wind of my activities. You will leave any suspicious activities to me and me alone. If I desire help - which I will in the near future - I will make you all aware. For now, I expect you all remain cautious. I would like you all, aside from my Inner Circle, to leave."

At this, the smaller chairs were vacated and Rustilius returned to his seat. Remaining in the room, there was Rustilius, Elaviel, Odyseuss and Galatea Sunstrider, Tom Gregorovitch, Hazel and Loriena Parkinson, Raindelia Granger, Magatha McGonagall and Dantriomir Karkaroff. These people comprised the inner circle of the Deatheater organisation, helping Rustilius with his most secretive plans and knowing things he often neglected to share with the rest of the Deatheaters.

"You all need to know that this is not out of anger. It is out of my quest for power which is soon to be completed. I have been planning my attack, on the Wizarding World. Hogwarts is but a piece of the puzzle. However it is vital, and it will be taken first. Dantriomir I want your students ready." Rustilius spoke close to a whisper.

"Ready , my Lord?" Dantriomir questioned, a concerned look overtook his pale face.

"The students of Durmstrang will be fighting at Hogwarts. There is no room for negotiation. Your students are the darkest and best fighters there are. They will be important in this takeover." Rustilius responded.

"Very well my Lord."

"Dantriomir you will lead your students into battle, following me, alongside my children and a few select Deatheaters, who will be entering the castle across the viaduct. Raindelia, you Loriena and Hazel will be entering the grounds through the Shrieking shack with more Deatheaters, and I would like Tom and Magatha's group to enter through the Room of Requirement. Even after all these years the vanishing cabinet still functions. Amazing, is it not?" Rustilius questioned aloud.

"Yes" could be heard echoed throughout the group, and Rustilius dismissed them.

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