Trouble Brewing

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Professor Loriena Parkinson strode across the front of her class, observing them closely as they wrote. Their task was a 10 page essay on a charm of their choice. Naturally, the class was displeased. "Why do we have to write all this?" Ellie whispered over to Scott. "I dunno. But if this carries on, I'm going to tell her where she can shove her essay." Scott quietly replied. "Quills down", Professor Parkinson announced. "Class dismissed. I want to talk to a few of you before you leave." She gestured to a large portion of the class, and the rest stood up and left.

"You lot. I've seen and heard you in the library. I have three concerns for you all. The first is obvious, as a teacher, you would think it nonsensical to be in the library after hours. Secondly, you are all very much out of your depth. Unless all of you intend to pursue a career in the Auror office, you should quit while you still ca-"

"Maybe some of us do want to be Aurors." Zedmir interrupted.

"Vulchanov - shut it. This is for your benefit. Thirdly and finally you all must know this. If the Dark Lord were to return, why on Earth would you have not been told? The safety of our students is our utmost priority and ignoring that for some kind of 'pointless secrecy' would be absurd. We all know that another Dark Lord would be beyond the capabilities of a small group of students. Now get lost. If any of you are in the library this evening expect yourself in detention."

"What're we going to do now then?" Blake asked.

"God knows. Whatever it is, it's going to need to be a bit quieter." Wes pointed out.

"This is so stupid!" Alan shouted, raising his voice and standing up. "We need to give it a bit more effort than this! Come on guys!"

"You heard professor Parkinson. We'll be in detention if we're caught." Rosie argued.

"That's why we can't get caught then, isn't it?" Alan countered.

"Look, Alan. I know you're enthusiastic and all but maybe we should leave it a while. Just until we can figure out a decent plan or something. Just give it a break..." Ellie said, exhausted.

The next day, Droobledore called an assembly. Students were gathered at their house tables, eager to hear the announcement. He started with a general thanking, and apologizing to students for making them miss their classes and whatnot. He continued to talk about the weather, confusing a lot of students. "I know there has obviously been what appears to be horrible, dreadfully horrible, weather. This has raises suspicion among you all. Suspicion which, I'm sure, has not gone amiss by the professors. For your own safety, we are all telling you this now. We have inquired; we have looked into the matter and now I am informing you all of what we know." Droobledore's face grew more and more grim, the silence in the hall becoming eerier. "The Dark Lord is back."

A shock swept the hall, each student responding to the news differently. The Sunstrider children: Odysseus, Elaviel, Selena, Jayzlyn and Galatea all smirked. Most students allowed a gasp to escape them, some students looked at the floor, yet the remainder smiled. This remainder were all either in some way connected to Deatheaters, or fans or their cause. Either way, it was all lost in the commotion. "We are all extremely, extremely busy preparing for this because, as it happened before, we are expecting... an attack. Plain and simple; I'm sure you'd all expect it too. This will be no easy task, however I would like all fourth year students and below to start packing. Any fifth, sixth or seventh year students that are willing to stay and fight may do so, however if not you are free to leave." Droobledore said, now looking sternly at the students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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