Chapter. 1 Born Immortal: A Life Without End

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I was born into this world with an extraordinary gift. From the moment I took my first breath, I knew that I was different from everyone else. I was born immortal.

While most babies are born crying and kicking, I entered the world in complete silence. My mother was terrified, convinced that I was stillborn. But then I blinked, and my eyes met hers. The doctors were baffled. They had never seen a baby like me before.

As I grew older, I quickly realized that my immortality was both a blessing and a curse. While I was grateful for the ability to live forever, I soon came to understand the weight of the responsibility that came with it. I would watch as my friends and loved ones grew old and died, while I remained the same. I watched as entire civilizations rose and fell, while I stood by and watched it all.

At first, I struggled to come to terms with my immortality. I felt like an outsider, disconnected from the world around me. But as time went on, I began to see my gift as an opportunity. I could travel the world, experience different cultures, and witness history firsthand. I could help people, and guide them through the trials and tribulations of life.

But as much as I tried to help, I couldn't save everyone. I watched as wars ravaged the earth, as diseases claimed countless lives, and as natural disasters struck with devastating force. I watched as people turned on each other, fueled by hate and fear. And through it all, I remained unchanged.

Sometimes I wonder if my immortality is a curse rather than a blessing. I have seen and experienced so much that it's hard to find meaning in it all. But then I remember the people whose lives I have touched, the ones who have been able to find hope and comfort in my presence. And I know that my immortality has a purpose, even if I don't always understand it.

Being born immortal has given me a unique perspective on life, one that I wouldn't trade for anything. And as I continue to journey through the ages, I will do my best to make a difference in the world, no matter how small that difference may be.

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