Chapter 22

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After feeding I felt exhilarated! I could have run for hours if I wasn't stuck in this dark carriage.
Suddenly the carriage came to a screeching halt forcing me forward. I crooked a finger between the black curtains and noticed we'd stopped at another small clearing in the forest. There was a brook that ran along the rocks I spotted to my right.
Just then the carriage door flew open and there was my fool companion all smiles and fangs. "Ok babe! Here we are!"
Tesayne put his hand out to me to lead me out. I got up warily and let him take my right arm to help me down to the pine needle earthen floor.
"Nice! At least this is a better place to camp than last night." I quipped.
"Indeed it is!" he said.

"Just how many more of these stops are we going to have to take until we reach my ancestors realm?" I was getting weary of traveling and was looking forward to returning to the comforts of the Ancient's Castle.
"This is our last stop hon." said Tesayne.
"Whew. I want to get that scroll and bounce. You understand?" I said.
As a human I didn't enjoy roughing it with my parents in the forest in the middle of nowhere state.
My ancestors were the last of their kind and their 100 year life was now at an end. The end of the Light Throwers, or so it is believed from what the Ancients told me and Tesayne during our cryptic meeting and my becoming a vampire.
"Time is of the essence in this case, babe. So no worries, we won't need to be lingering." assured Tesayne.
The mission was simple. Get the Light Thrower spell scroll, pay our respects to my ancestors and turn it over to the Ancient Vampires for safekeeping.
Shouldn't be difficult.
As long as we didn't run into any more trouble like last night!

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