Y is for You

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--Nola's POV--

Zeke's been staying with my grandfathers since he got out of the hospital. The last have few months have been the best. We are now patiently waiting for the arrival of our baby girl.

I've been in labor for over four hours. It is the worst, but it'll all be worth it once I get to hold her in my arms. Daddy and dad have been arguing with Zeke over the name for the past two hours. I told Zeke it is up to him, but dads hate the name and have their own names that they want.

"Seriously Zeke?" Daddy asks Zeke.

Zeke rolls his eyes for the tenth time and sighs.

"Come here Zeke," I whine to him.

He smiles and walks back over to me.

"It's up to you love," I whisper to him. "Just humor them. They won't care once she's born."

"I have a headache from them," Zeke whines as he rests his head on my chest.

"Get off my daughters boobs!" Daddy yells to Zeke.

Zeke quickly backs away. As he does I get a sharp pain in my stomach. It's worse than the contractions, if that's possible.

The three guys rush over to me. Dad pushes the button for the nurse several times. Tears start to blur my eyes. The three of them are asking me what's wrong, but I can't answer. It just hurts too much.

--Zeke's POV--

They took Nola away. They haven't told me what's wrong. They just escorted me to the waiting room and told me to wait.

Everyone is here by now; Nola's grandpas, Ari, Emmett, Patrick, Landon, Nickie, and Mika's sisters. They've all tried to speak to me, but I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to talk to Nola. I need to make sure that she is okay.

"Didn't Nola's mom die during birth?" Emmett asks Ezra.

Every quickly glares at him.

"Why the fuck would you ask that?" Mika snaps at Emmett.

"What if-" Emmett starts.

"Stop!" Michael shouts at Emmett.

"Dad-" Emmett starts again.

"Fuck off Emmett!" Landon shouts.


Two hours later a nurse comes into the waiting room and grabs me. She leads me back to Nola's room. Nola is passed out when I enter.

The nurse sits me down and leaves the room. Ezra is quickly in the room. A nurse is shouting at him not to go in, but he ignores her. When he sees Nola he lets out a sigh of relief. He then sits next to me.

A few more minutes pass before the nurse wheels in Lucy. I stand instantly and pick her up. The nurse smiles as I sit back down with her. I can feel tears fall down my face, but I don't care.

This is the best moment of my life, besides meeting Nola. My life feels complete now. I have the girl of my dreams and a gorgeous baby girl in my arms. She looks just like Nola.

"Lucy is gorgeous," Ezra says to me.

I look at him and smile, "so the names sticking?"

"Of course," he smiles and then wipes a tear from his face.

"When will Nola wake up?" I ask the nurse.

"Any minute," she replies. "She'll be a little out of it, so please be patient. Don't let her hold the baby without someone there to support her."

The nurse then leaves. Fortune and everyone else soon file into the room. He sits on Ezra's lap and stares at Lucy.

"Good job Zeke. She's gorgeous," he says.

"When is Nola waking up?" Emmett asks.

"Soon," I tell him. "Do you want to hold her?" I ask Fortune and Ezra.

Fortune nods and carefully grabs Lucy from my arms. I smile as they awe over her. I notice Nola starting to stir, so I'm quickly by her side.

"Zeke.." she says.

"I'm right here love," I tell her as I grab her hand. "Lucy is here as well."

Nola's eyes then slowly open. We stare into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. I then whip out a tiny box from my pocket.

"Nola, I know we are young, but i know there is no one that I'd rather spend my life with than you. You are the one Nola. I love you to the moon and back an infinity times," I laugh. She giggles. "Will you marry me Nola?" I ask her.

She tosses the box onto the bed and grabs my head. She pulls my lips to hers and kisses me deeply. When we part she smiles at me, "of course Zeke. I love you."

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