18. Late night convosations

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Molly's P.O.V

For some unknown reson i couldnt sleep. Oh wait there were multiple reasons of why i couldnt sleep, let's see, Simon who shot me is 'checking' up on me tomorrow, i'm probebly going to get another creepy note, and get even more hurt. And i'm in alot of pain from being shot, and i feel guilty that i am lying to Zayn and he can probebly see right through me and it's hurting him that i'm not being completely honest woth him. I wanted to tell the other boys as well but i was closer with Zayn and well i feel like i've known him forever, and it was even worse for me, the guilt was eating me alive.

I felt like i was the worst person, i mean who keeps secrets from their best friend? Actually i was the worst person alive, so i deserved to feel like it.

I glanced over to the clock, 3:37am?! Urgh this is stupid, i decided i should get out of bed and get a drink maybe that would put me in a sleepy mood, it took some time for me to get up and get downstairs but i eventually made it, i poured myself a glass of milk and leaned on the kitchen counter and sighed to myself.

"Can't sleep either huh?" A voice came from the darkness making me jump and chuck my milk everywhere, it went all on the floor.

"Erm yeah, thanks for making me spill my milk by the way" I said, going to lean down, then getting a shooting pain go all over my body making me yelp.

"Woah watch it Molly, you don't want to be back in hospital" Louis said as he rushed towards me and helped me up.

"Thank you, what are you doing up?" I said, Louis grabbed a towel and began cleaning the milk up,

"I don't know alot on my mind i guess" He said throwing the towel in the opposing direction then standing up facing me, "Yourself?" He said.

"Alot on my mind as well" I said,

"Well why don't i put the kettle on and we can chat on the sofa, if you want? Seems like we have alot on our mind, like i know we arnt that close but it's nice to have someone to talk too and yaknow" He said, putting the kettle on and getting 2 large mugs out,

"Sounds good" I smiled making my way over to the sofa and sitting down grabbing a blanket that was laying on the back of the sofa and putting one bit over my body, whilst Louis made his way over with the drinks putting them on the coffee table infront of us then climbing under the blanked with me.

"So what's going on?" We both said at the exact same time, before laughing at how in sync we both were.

"That was odd, hey i feel closer to you already i mean you're already stealing words out of my mouth" I smiled goofily at him which made him laugh.

"Nope i think you can read minds and are stealing the words im about to say, get out of my head" He said dramatically grabbing his head,

"If you're not careful, i will steal your identity too" I said, smirking evily towards him,

"Oh yeah how do you plan on doing that, miss Cowell" He said raising his eyebrows,

I cringed at that name, Cowell. I could tell Louis noticed.

"You don't like the name then" He said,

"Nope, i want to change it, i want nothing to do with him" I said, his name was like Voldemorts, never to be named.

"What has he done to make you hate him so much like all of a sudden your hate towards eachother has increased loads" Louis asked tilting his head a little, generally looking like he was intregued to know what was going on between us. But what could i say, oh you know he shot me? No i could end up hurting everyone.

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