3 - Lillith

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The school day felt a lot longer than normal. My mind was wandering on its own accord, and I was still rather irked at that new kid, Andrew. Staring at the clock ahead of me, I thought of him again. I didn't really understand what his problem was. He acted so cocky and full of himself; it really pissed me off. Sure, he was attractive, but he had a bad attitude. It was as if he was purposely trying to get people to hate him. Especially me.

Shrugging it off mentally, I found myself jumping nearly out of my seat as I heard the bell ring. School was over, finally. Gathering my things and heading into the crowded halls, I noticed how unusually busy it was. The fellow students were in a total rush, especially the seniors. School was almost over for them, including me. Just a few more weeks and we'll be out of this hell-hole, I thought. Ironically, Andrew had decided to show up when school is almost over for the year. Huh... I envied him.

It was raining now, and the gentle roll of thunder filled my ears. Pulling the sweatshirt hood over my head, I rushed towards my vehicle and instantly hopped in. It was a decent car, my 1990 Ford Mustang Convertible. Officer Cain had given it to me on my 16th birthday; I was a sophomore at the time, and I honestly never expected him to buy me a car. He had been good to me for the past 10 years. I guess you could say that I look up to him as a father figure, but I would never admit it. I suppose that I was stubborn that way.

The drive to Worthing was rough and messy due to the rain, but it was a short drive since the town of Lennox is only a few miles away from where I lived. Worthing was a small town, with not that many people. It was quiet though, except for the constant barking of the neighbor's dogs. Pulling into the driveway of the two-story house in front of me, I got out and rushed inside.

"Officer Cain! I'm home!" I called out, taking my shoes off by the door way and walking up the stairs to come across the sweet smell of coffee. The place was empty, I noticed. Walking around the living room, I had expected to see him on the couch, watching T.V. He wasn't there. Walking towards the counter, I found a note written in his hand.


I'm not going to be home for a while. Everything at the station is getting hectic, but I'm trusting you in keeping the place neat and clean. Be safe for me.

- Alex Cain

P.S. I made you some fresh coffee before I left.

A smile creased my lips as I placed the note down on the counter and took a sip of coffee from my mug. He was always gone because of work most of the time. But I was proud of him; he helps protect the town. Staring out the window, I watched the rain pour rapidly from the outside and a roll of thunder rang in my ears.

Falling back onto the couch once I entered the living room, my mind began to wander back to Andrew Carter. Sighing deeply, I ran a hand through my hair to hopefully get him out of my head. I felt my eyes grow heavy as I eventually fell into a deep slumber. I dreamt of him then... A dream that would soon haunt me.

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