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Y/N let out a sigh, it's almost been an hour since she had been in Ryan's office. The two of them haven't spoken a word to each other or even spared a glance. Everyone in a while Y/N would look at Ryan to see her texting something on the computer.

She wondered what Ryan was doing but didn't have the courage to walk over there and look at the computer.

"Sweetie I'm back, sorry it took me so long" The sound of Louis voice came through the door. Y/N looked at Louis and walked over to him asking him what took him so long.

"I had to take care of something don't worry about it" He said taking Y/N's arm and walking her out of Ryan's office. Y/N looked back to see Ryan staring at her with hate in her eyes. Y/N looked down and just continued her walking.

While Louis and Y/N were walking Y/N could feel Louis grip on her hand getting tighter and tighter. She looked at him to see that he had an annoyed expression on his face.

Y/N was thinking of asking him what was wrong but decided not too.

"Y/N I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me" Louis said while holding the door to his office open for Y/N.

Y/N walked inside and saw that the table and chairs were now gone and the only thing that was left was a suit case that looked like it had something coming out of it. Y/N turned around to see Louis locking the door and closing the blinds.

He walked over to Y/N grabbing her hand tightly. "Ryan told me that you were breaking rules, she said that you asked to go to the bathroom and you didn't come back and when she went to go look for you she saw you talking to one of my workers"

"Wha-" Y/N was cut off my Louis squeezing her hand, he was getting angrier by the second.

"Y/N I need you to tell me the truth is what Ryan telling me the truth"

Y/N let out a disappointed sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose closing her eyes in frustration. She couldn't believe that Louis would believe some dumb-ass lie like that. She knew that she had to say the right thing or something bad could happen.

"Louis obviously not you can even check the cameras I stayed in her office the wh-" She was cut off by Louis pushing her to the ground harshly.

"I don't want to hear that shit Y/N" Louis said a little loud. He was panicking, he didn't know who to believe, Louis knew that if Ryan was actually telling the truth then everything could go bad and then people would take him away from Y/N.

"He didn't even let me finish" Y/N thought, she stood up and stayed a few feet away from Louis just in case he tried to hurt her even more.

He walked over to Y/N and pulled her arm harshly. He threw her on the ground and stepped on her legs, making her let out a loud yell. He got on top of her and bashed her head onto the ground until he saw blood coming from her nose.

Louis didn't like hurting Y/N, he barely put his hands on here. But he knew if he didn't teach her some discipline then she would start to get more and more confident and comfortable then she would probably have enough courage to leave him.

And Louis didn't want that

Y/N begged him to stop, she had tears streaming down her face and blood running from her nose into her mouth. Louis ignored her pleads and pulled her up by her hair and pushed on the wall.

"Y/N if you're lying to me I will fucking hurt you so badly that no one would even want to look at you" He said making Y/N cry even more. "If I go check the cameras and see that your breaking rules and talking to men I will make you kill them" Louis told Y/N.

He threw her to the ground and kicked her a few times before telling her that he was going to go check the cameras.

Y/N was now on the ground sobbing, She was bleeding and in pain. Y/N couldn't even move her body. "Why me?" She kept thinking to herself, she started to beg for a miracle or something that would just help her escape from this mad man.

After a while the door to Louis office busted open. Louis ran towards Y/N and picked her up and started to cradle her, he was apologizing over and over with tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't know Ryan was lying to me, I'm so sorry I promise I'll make it up to you I promise" He picked up Y/N and took her to his car. He told the diver to take her home.

Louis couldn't believe what he just did, guilt was running through his mind. He just wanted to kill himself for what he did, why didn't he just check the cameras first. When Louis walked out of the room to check the cameras he was stopped by Ryan who told him that she lied about the whole thing and only told him that to make him hurt her.

When he heard this he slapped Ryan and ran back to Y/N. He hated himself at the moment and wanted to repay for hurting and threatening his wife. Louis started to think of ways to apologize to Y/N and immediately got an idea that would make Y/N forgive him immediately.

Y/N sleeping on the couch with the TV playing in the background. Once she got home the maids rushed to her to try and fix her wound's but Y/N didn't let them. She wanted to keep the blood and bruises on her face to make Louis feel even guilty for what he did to her.

Y/N was woken up from the front door slamming close. She opened her eyes slightly to see Louis standing in front of her with red eyes and a pink box that had a bow tie on the top.

She sat up and looked at him in his eyes. Louis looked down not wanting to see the bruises on her face and gave her the pink box.

"Here you go Y/N, I'm sorry for not listening to you I was just scared that you would leave me or that you were cheating on me with another man" He said to Y/N which got no response after making him sigh sadly.

Y/N opened the box and saw a (F/C) laptop. She looked at him confused wondering if this was some sick joke of his. She asked him if this was a joke which Louis immediately replied with a no.

"Y/N this is for you to play with of course Ryan added some things on there so you can't try and ask people on there about your situation but you can play games and other things" He said smiling awkwardly.

"Oh well thank you" Y/N whispered, she stood up and walked upstairs to their shared bedroom. She sat down on the bed and opened the computer to see the words-

"Make an account"

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