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The couple finally arrived at the amusement park. While Louis was buying tickets Y/N was looking around like someone was watching her. She got closer to the man and hugged his arm making Louis smile slightly.

After he was done buying tickets he asked Y/N what she wanted to do which she replied with a simple shoulder shrug. Louis rolled his eyes then started to look around for a few seconds to see which ride he wanted to do.

"Oop Y/N let's do that one it's gonna be fun" He said with excitement.

Y/N was now in a pink spinning tea cup with Louis who was taking pictures of the both of them. Y/N honestly didn't hate it, this was probably the first time in months she actually had fun.

But the only thing on her mind right now was that detective and Milo. She couldn't help but wonder what Milo was going to do or if he was the one that reported Hailey missing. Questions were racing through her mind.

Her thinking was cut off by Louis and the guy who manages the ride telling her to get off. Embarrassed Y/N hurrys off the ride and made her way back over to Louis.

"Y/N what's up with you, you were spacing out the whole ride" He asked concerned but when Y/N didn't answer he realized that she spaced out once again.

He let out a sigh then grabbed her arm harshly dragging her to the nearest bathroom. Once they were inside he locked the stall and told her to look at him.

"What's wrong with you, we are supposed to be having fun and you're running the whole damn thing" Louis complained.

"I'm sorry Louis I keep getting distracted by things I'm sorry" Y/N apologized hoping that Louis would just forgive and forget but since the universe hates her, all the hoping was useless.

"What the hell are you getting distracted by" He asked.

"Um nothing let's just go" She told him.

"Wait don't tell me you're thinking about that fake ass detective Y/N, Hailey is dead that wannabe isn't gonna solve anything so stop thinking about him"

"I wasn't thinking about him Louis, i-i was thinking what ride we were gonna ride next" Y/N said quickly.




Louis said nothing more but grabbed Y/N's hand and walked her out the bathroom's.

"So what ride were you thinking of taking" Louis asked.

"Oh ummm that one right there" Y/N says while pointing at a love ride.

The line for the ride was simi long which was great for Y/N. Both her and Louis made their way to the line now waiting for their turn to get on.

Louis wouldn't say it but his heart was doing backflips. He couldn't believe Y/N picked the love boat, there was a rumor that if struggling couples get on that ride  and kiss when it hits 12:00 then they would be together forever. He looked down at his watched too look at the time.

It was now 11:01 which ment that he probably had time.

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Meanwhile back at home, Kaira was cleaning Louis's and Y/N's shared bedroom. She had the door locked telling the maids that she had to clean behind the door then immediately started to look for things that would help Y/N.

While searching she found the laptop that Louis had gifted Y/N almost 8 months ago. Kaira opened it to see that is required a password to log in, which she wasn't surprised.

Kaira would spend the next five minutes on trying to figure out the password.

Once she finally got the password correct she instantly started to see if their was anything that could help Y/N. Which to her luck she did, she read through all the messages that Y/N was sending with her little online friend.

"Milo....I could use your help please meet me at this location - From Kaira (Y/N and Louis Maid) Kaira said out loud slowly before sending the message to Milo. Her heart was pounding, the fact that anyone could walk in at any moment was going to give her a heart attack.

Kaira put everything back where it was then grabbed her things to leave. When she opened the room she was metface to face with Ryan.

"What were you doing in here you on e damn well this bedroom is off limits when Louis leaves" Ryan says shooting Kaira a harsh glare.

Kaira held in a eye roll then put on a fake smile.

"Oh well Ms. Ryan before Louis left he asked me to make sure the room was clean for when him and miss Y/N get back home from their lovely date" Kaira tells Ryan making sure their was no hesitation in her voice.

"If I found out your lying I'm going to kill you myself" Ryan tells Kaira before walking away.

Once Ryan was out of sight Kaira rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself. She knew that she was smarter and stronger than Ryan. Her threat's didn't scare Kaira not one bit.

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"Finally it's out turns" Louis says with excitement. He holds Y/N's hand before walking the two of them into a heart shaped boat. Once they were inside he checked the time on his phone and saw that it was now-


"Hurry up" Louis yells at a couple that was taking their sweet time getting in.

"Louis please don't rush them, his girlfriend is in a wheelchair" Y/N asks Louis, he sighs and whispers a sorry.

Once the ride finally started Louis was smiling hard with his hand on her lap.
Y/N on the other hand was admiring the red and pink lights. The baby cupid's shooting water out of their arrows at them made her laugh a little.

Louis looked at his watch and saw that it was-


He quickly grabbed Y/N face making her confused and scared.

"Y/N I love you so much, ever since i laid eyes on you. I don't know where I would be without you hell I probably would have been dead but that's not the point what I'm trying to say is that I can't wait to start a family and spend the rest of eternity together" Louis confesses before kissing Y/N on the lips.

While the kiss was happening he looked at the time once more to see that it was finally 12:00. A smile grew on his face as he pulled away from her.

He saw that she had tears forming in her eyes.

"Aww baby don't cry" Louis says while giving Y/N a hug, he didn't know that Y/N was as happy as he was.

Y/N full on started to sob while putting her head into Louis shoulders.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her life with him nor Ryan.

She was stuck with him for the rest of her life....

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