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It's been a month since Y/N has been locked in this room. She has been getting tortured and abused, it was every day and every night. Ryan would come into the room to just play with her while Louis did nothing but just let her telling Y/N that it was for her own good.

Everytime Ryan came into the room she would threaten Y/N that if didn't do what Louis told her or even love him she would do more than she was doing right then and there.

Obviously a month of being tortured was making Y/N go insane. After another week or so Y/N was finally released from the room. The poor girl hasn't eaten, taken a bath, or even walked since the day Ryan started.

The maids were helping Y/N walk out of the room while Louis watched in disgust . Y/N stinks and the weight she had lost made her look like a whole different person. A person that Louis didn't fall in love with.

Maybe he took it too far?

After the maids washed Y/N up, did her hair, brush her teeth, dressed her and fed her they gave her to Louis. He picked her up and took her to another bedroom for them to share. Once they entered the room he set Y/N down for her to sleep.

Louis felt terrible for what he let Ryan too but Y/N's words struck him like a knife. So for her not to do it anymore he has to do this...put her in her place so she wouldn't do it again.

Louis sat up after putting the blanket over Y/N's sleeping body and walked out of the bedroom to see Ryan standing there with her suit case. Louis could see the sadistic pleasure behind her eyes he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Ryan.

"I loved every second of that wish it lasted a bit longer but oh well Louis if she acts up again just do what I did and also if you ever try to pull that stunt you did with me I'll do exactly what I did to Y/N but worse" Ryan told Louis before walking away not letting Louis get a word in.

Louis was silent he didn't know if he could hurt Y/N but if he could sit there and watch Y/N could hurt then he probably could.

It was the next day and Y/N was sitting in the living room on the couch in silence. Ever since she got out of the room she hasn't been talking not even to the maid's.

"Here you go baby I got some food for you too eat" Louis announced while walking in the living with a bowl of soup. He sat down on front of her and started to fed Y/N. Y/N felt useless and like a doll she hated this and was gonna get her revenge when she could.

After she was done eating Louis took her back to their new shared bedroom. He sat her done on the bed and walked to the dresser to take something out. Y/N was confused but just watched on silence.

Louis took out Y/N's laptop with a smile "you didn't forget about this sweetie now did you" Louis said while walking over to Y/N giving her the device.

A smile smile grew on Y/N's face but quickly fell when she noticed what she was doing.

"Louis sleepy can you leave please" Y/N asked softly making Louis say goodnight and immediately leave. Y/N waited a few minutes and instantly opened the laptop to see that she had a lot of unread messages from BambiKilla69.

BambiKilla69: Hello!?!?

BambiKilla69: [Your username] u said we were gonna play together where are you?

BambiKilla69: Are you okay this isn't like you?

BambiKilla69: Text me if you ever come back

Seeing these messages from her only friend made her want to cry it felt like a ron of brick's had fallen on her. She started to pick at her finger's wondering what she was gonna say to him. Scared that he would be mad or something.

[Your username]: Hey BambiKilla69 sorry I haven't been online in a month I've been busy with something.

Instantly after Y/N sent that text BambiKilla69 immediately texted back.

BambiKilla69: Oh thank God I thought you were dead or something gosh what happened to you? Are you okay?

Y/N smiled and started to text back.

[Your username]: yeah I'm okay, I can tell you what happened but I feel like we should actually know our names so I can talk to and also go on a different app too.

After BambiKilla69 agreed the two friends immediately downloaded a chatting app and fo properly introduce themselves.

Milo: so Y/N are you gonna tell me what happened I was so worried for you.

Y/N started to tell Milo everything that was going on for the last month the abuse, Louis and Ryan, being trapped in the room, Hailey and more. Y/N spilled everything out to Milo from the beginning to end. After Y/N sent the message it took about 10 minutes for Milo to finally respond.

Milo: Y/N if you're actually being serious and not lying then we need to call the police or something cause damn ur husband is an abusive fuck.

Y/N: yeah I would but Louis has me on lock down there is no way for me to escape call or do anything the fact that I'm texting you right now it surprising.

Milo: I can think of something but it probably take a while. I'll try to come up with something but you'll have to wait a few.

Y/N: Okay I will

Y/N smiled and closed the laptop she paced the laptop on the dresser and laid down. She hoped that whatever Milo was coming up with would work and wouldn't affect him or her.

Y/N closed her eyes to sleep but they were open again by the door opening. She looked at the person who opened the door to see Louis maid Kaira standing there with her hands held together.

"Is there something you need" Y/N asked. Kaira walked into the room and closed the door locking it making Y/N immediately get up as fast as she could.

Kaira held her hands up on defense showing Y/N that she had no intention on hurting her. "Sorry Ms. Y/N but I just wanted to have a chat with you" Kaira said.

"W-what is it?" Y/N asked confused.

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A/N: this is finna end soon because I really don't like this and I'm finna post a new yandere book

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